You two weapons of choice

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It's there always room for the hand gun? Then there
is also room on the back for the secondary?
By theory: One gun in hand, one on back
and then a side arm.

Going with this I'd have the BR,
Beam rifle, ( and if need be)
plasma rifle.
Roodkill said:
It's there always room for the hand gun? Then there
is also room on the back for the secondary?
By theory: One gun in hand, one on back
and then a side arm.

Going with this I'd have the BR,
Beam rifle, ( and if need be)
plasma rifle.

Really, I'd just take a case of Plasma-nades..
"Stick!, stick!, oh you want some too? STICK! Hey come here... Stick! One for you too. Stick! :lol:

Oh and if you do remember the E3 9 minute Halo2 demo, THAT'S what the BR should have been like. The sound of that single shot scoped was simply made of awesomesauce!
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For me I would say battle rifle, and ghost (if i can, if not then sniper rifle).
flying_squirl said:
get it ready

Oh oh that is cool. is it yours?
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leegrisham said:
You know the Ghost purple hovercraft/motorcycle my main weapon of choice, gotta love splatter sprees
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My God, you guys really like this zombie thread, don't you? And FS meant to get the "Emergency Zombie Defense Station" ready because this is a dead thread.
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