Youth MemberShip and other questions.

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Our original 60 page thread the question is being asked every day so it should be that hard find out the answer. I'm just speaking my mind and so we don't have to argue about this subject. :mrgreen:
I answered it for him, you will be able to get everything that the regular membership comes with, you just wont have full access to the website, you can where the patch you get, BUT DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN AND WHERE IT, THATS COPYRIGHT, AND WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE PEOPLE WHO ARENT MEMBERS DOING THAT!

and once you turn 16 your membership will upgrade
So what part of the website will be rated M? Are you just gonna block the calendar were we can see were the 405th will be marching?Other wise whats there to block? :vim:
Spartan-118 said:
I thought we couldn't go into the tut is b/c it wasn't finished yet? And they were fine tuning it.

Yeah, but you can't acess the area their in right?
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Spartan-118 said:
So what part of the website will be rated M? Are you just gonna block the calendar were we can see were the 405th will be marching?Other wise whats there to block? :vim:

No part of the site will be "rated M". The point is, an age limit is an age limit. And while you guys might and i repeat might, get something, you will not recieve the same rights and privileges as the older members of the 405th.
And no one said you guys couldn't be at a convention with the 405th.
You will not be affliated with the actual 405th, that's the only difference.
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The rated M was a joke.And like you said might get sum thing like only a patch or w/e?How are you gonna keep track of who gets one and when?
And while you guys might and i repeat might, get something
I mean like patches and stencils and what not and keep track of all the youth members upgrading.How are they gonna keep track of when to send what they haven't gotten<patches ect>
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He wants to know how we would keep track of his age so that we can know when to give him membership and the patches/logo.

We probably would ask you for your age and birthdate, so that we could track that way... (I guess?)
And of course, when you went to a convention, saying you were 16 or 18 and you were 14 and the 405th found out, you'd probably be in trouble.

But when joining the site, you'd probably have to send a pic of your armor, you can't join without and then the registration form will ask for your birthdate. most likely

Check this registration form out..(501st registration form)

501st Legion- Member Registration


STEP ONE : Do you qualify for membership??

Do you own a professional quality Star Wars costume ?

Are you at least 18 years old??

Please complete the form below.

To apply for membership you must have an email address as it will eventually be your login name on the 501st forums, and email is also the primary method of communication within the Legion.

Some fields are required and are indicated as such with an *.

Capitalize 1st letters only (for example: John Q Public) for names and location.

PLEASE NOTE: By default your street address and phone information are PRIVATE (hidden from the public web search) but email and url are by default PUBLIC. This information will be included on your member profile ( a web page) so that people can email you and visit your personal website link from your member webpage. You may change the default status of these fields as you wish but if you mark your email as private then no one will be able to contact you from your member page.

public private
Your Personal Data

First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address
City * * *
State/Province *
Zip Code
Country *
(PLEASE ENTER "USA" for United States applicants)
Home Phone
(include area and country codes) * *
Personal Email * * *
Alternate Email
Personal URL http:// * *
Your Imperial Data

TK#### (please list your top 5 choices for your number) *
Do not include the TK or TB part of your designation

If you are an existing member, and have already had your number aproved by the Legion Membership Officer : 1876 - Thomas Spanos, please enter that one number 5 times
Garrison *
Costumes *
Please select a single Imperial costume that you OWN, that is COMPLETED and that you can provide PROOF of OWNERSHIP upon REQUEST.
You may add other costumes at a later time.

Legal Disclaimer
Adult Imperial Member (you must be over 18 to join the 501st StormTrooper Legion)
The applicant has read and agrees to abide by the Legion Charter as a prerequisite to membership.

(the above is the form they want you to fill out to join the 501st.)

IT IS JUST TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA. It will show you some of the stuff that we would probably require as well.
im glad you posted that darke. im soooo happy too that the 501st exists otherwise we would all be like uhhhhh what do we do now? lol

Actually there are some smart people here, so I think we could have done it even without the 501st's unofficial. Assistance ;-)

But that above is just a model and is in no way, exactly what we are going to follow. :bard:
good point..... well im glad its finally up on the drawing board....makes me happy. im sure to be helping in any way possible
Yep, that's how the 501st does it. I think we should keep a similar proffessional standard.

Now I don't want to argue with you guys, but we all need to cool down a little bit ok?
Take this one step at a time, you guys have two more years till your 16. When your 16 a whole new world of responsibilities and privileges opens up.

Number 1: More workplaces are willing to hire you because of your age. So you have the responsibility of keeping a job.

Number 2: Ability to drive. With a permit and eventually a drivers license.

Number 3: Your parents will treat you more responsibly because they expect more from you now that your much older. You will find that they will give you more to do, and more time to be with friends and peers and such. (Ex : Go to more parties than whan you were 10-12 years old)

The list goes on...

Two years isn't that long I know, time flies. I reccomend you guys take this a step at a time and be patient. God knows I had to....
amen reverend....ive had to wait patiently for 2 years and im still waiting just so im old enough to join the 501st. a few more months to go and a couple more mods to my armor and im set....

trust me when i say this as well as when darke says it, dont jump headlong into everything at first, work your way into it, sometimes you will find yourself so into something that your expectations will go crazy and when you finally get to the actual event/time w/e you are kinda dissapointed because you let things blow up into something monstrous....

not to say halo isnt monstrous lol

but like darke said, its ok to wait 2 years to be a member, at least you will have an advantage by already knowing all about costuming
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