First mjolnir powered armour Mk VI build

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In your opinion (only for boots) do you think that foam or pep is better overall? I currently have foam boots that are sturdy and finished, but pep has those nice little details yet are kinda hard to size fit until resined.
I haven't done much with foam, but from what i can tell its harder to get the detail on a foam piece like you say. However, for the scale of my shoe, i measured the outside of the boot i will attach them to, Then used the measure between points tool in pepakura designer. From the rest of my work i know that fibreglass is pretty solid but I'm still thinking about adding something to the soles to stop them wearing out from walking on them. I don't know how hard you can make foam.

I would go for pep shoes, if you've pepped the rest of the armour, just to keep the same look and level of detail. But in saying that, not many people are going to look at your feet so its whatever you're happy with making.

I would like to know what a foam builders ideas are on this as well.

I hoped this helped.
I agree that pep has a level of detail that foam doesn't have, though with various thicknesses of foam you can achieve some decent detail. Foam shoes are relatively easy to size and make, and rorywatts is right that few people will look at your shoes, they are going to be looking at helmet and torso details. With my iron many build, foam shoes were quick and easy, and resizing them took very little time,
I have finished pep of everything. It only took me a year.

I'll put some more photos of the whole suit up later


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And here's the full suit. I have to say i'm pretty proud.


It's been about a year since i started, and a year since Monty Oum died. He was the main reason i started this and one of the many reasons i keep going. He is an inspiration to all artists and the world is a sadder place without him.
It looks outstanding! :O
I can't believe how amazing it looks and how much progress you've made! :D
Great job! It looks amazing! Also, I love how you have your armor posed on the couch. I agree with you about Monty as well. He was a genius in his field and an inspiration for so many.
Thanks very much guys.

Now i just have to wait for some nicer weather so i can get hardening and painting
Wish I was done pepping everything. Was going hard trying to get things pepped, as of recent me, and my wife took a vacation. While on vacation, for the first time I really missed my kids. Kinda like a reality check, just thought maybe I need to slow down, and not spend so much time on the project. Not sure of who Monty is, but I think its pretty awesome to have a special reason for doing a build! Hope the weather plays in your favor, here in Louisiana the weather never stays the same. Goes back and forth from hot to cold, or just raining every other day. By the way, do you plan to add more bondo to the armor. Looks like a very thin application added to the helmet, and torso?
Monty was an animator at a company called Rooster Teeth, who died last year from complications in surgery.
No, i do a couple layers of fibreglass to give it the strength and just use bondo to smooth over the joints of the paper to keep the detail. Also i sand most of it off to keep the bulk down and just keep the couple mm that are needed to keep it nice and smooth.
I'm from Cornwall which is the very bottom part of England and all of it is basically a coast so we get lots of rain, and currently we are getting the left overs of the storm that blew over the US last week.

- - - Updated - - -

Also your pep work is super clean, its important not to over do the time spent on it so not to get burnt out on it
Anyone else that has the back shield looking part separate, how have you strengthened the join to the rest of the back? I have glued it and used bondo and epoxy putty but it still feels the weakest joint on the chest. I was thinking of drilling holes and uses bolts through them.

Thanks for any help.
Also does anyone have any ideas on how to secure buckles to the chest, on one half I've been able to use screws but theres no space the other half. i have used epoxy putty but i want something else to make it stronger. I was thinking of just going over it a couple times with rondo. Thanks
You could try 2 part epoxy to attach the strap of the buckle to the armor. The putty has a tendency to be brittle.....strong, but perhaps you need something w/ a bit more give to it. Remember....your not attaching parts that weigh 20lbs or more. Hot glue.......2 part epoxy........I know rondo/bondo adheres to itself but I don't know how well it's used as an adhesive to attach a non-resin item like a vinyl strap. You could also try liquid nails. If you want to get fancy.....use a rivet gun. 1-2 per strap will hold the strap to the armor but I don't know how the compression w/ effect the piece. It depends on the strength of your rondo blend, the thickness of the piece, the gauge of rivet. On second thought....forget the rivet idea.
No more nails is a good idea, that and hot glue should create a good hold. The rondo is more of a casing to hold it to the chest, so that really just needs to stick to itself and the fibreglassed chest. Thanks for you help
I screwed a piece of wood in the thruster then screwed that to the back, its a lot more secure than glueing would have been because their wasn't much surface area to glue to the lined up properly.

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Here's the one side of the buckles, its held down by glue and epoxy putty then coated in rondo to keep it there.
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I tried on the either thruster just rondo instead of fibreglass, three layers later its just as hard and a lot easier to do. I'm tempted to do the rest of the suit with rondo do to the ease. I'm wondering though if it is just as hard, or is more brittle, or anything that makes it different to fibreglass?
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I used screws through the top into wood on the other half of the buckle.
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One thruster on, one to go. You can also see the bondo i used to make the join to the shield part stronger.
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Here's photos of the bolts i also put through to the shield part, i wanted to get 4 bolts in but i couldn't get the angle.
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