Tarchinoko's Odst Wip (Pic Heavy On Multiple Pages)

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Very nice trooper!

I really like what you did with the knee's detail bit. It looks awesome!

Can't wait to see more from you bro!

Altair651 said:
Are you fiberglassing the pieces before you use filler?

Of course dude, If he didn't feberglass the pieces first, the pieces wouldn't be sturdy enough to bondo them.


Oh, Dude, you are doing a great job.

Hope to see a run on that chestplate ;)
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these pieces haven't been fiber glassed as I have only just bought fiber glass, Instead what i did was put filer in the resin and basically completely fill them. On the cast I will be fiber glassing.

Also as promised pics of the chest plate mold:



That is fiberglass mother mold with the silicone mold inside, and in case you are wondering that is resin in the mold, a few air bubbles in it but i think they are all on the surface rather that touching the mold surface. Unfortunately wont be finishing the cast until later tomorrow, this is cuz I just ran out of resin on that last layer but I shall be running out tomorrow to buy a stockpile of resin.

thanks for reading!!
Alex spartan177 said:
Of course dude, If he didn't feberglass the pieces first, the pieces wouldn't be sturdy enough to bondo them.


Oh, Dude, you are doing a great job.

Hope to see a run on that chestplate ;)

Ya, I know that, thats why I asked?! :)
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First chest cast is pulled, to remind you this is my first cast:


as you can see the bottom is slightly warped and I cant figure out why? maybe the resin I use shrinks?
tarchinoko said:
these pieces haven't been fiber glassed as I have only just bought fiber glass, Instead what i did was put filer in the resin and basically completely fill them. On the cast I will be fiber glassing.

Also as promised pics of the chest plate mold:



That is fiberglass mother mold with the silicone mold inside, and in case you are wondering that is resin in the mold, a few air bubbles in it but i think they are all on the surface rather that touching the mold surface. Unfortunately wont be finishing the cast until later tomorrow, this is cuz I just ran out of resin on that last layer but I shall be running out tomorrow to buy a stockpile of resin.

thanks for reading!!

How did you make the chest plate mold?
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Altair651 said:
How did you make the chest plate mold?

Not completely sure what you mean but here is how I did it. I actually had the silicone on it ages ago but I didnt have any fiberglass so I made a plaster mother mold, unfortunately it cracked and broke when I tried to remove it. This convinced me to search the modeling shops for fiberglass, once I had found it I just applied it with resin (3 layers) onto the silicone mold with the original piece inside it and with a little more careful prying with two icing spreaders I managed to lift it off without a problem.

Hope this answers your question.
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tarchinoko said:
Not completely sure what you mean but here is how I did it. I actually had the silicone on it ages ago but I didnt have any fiberglass so I made a plaster mother mold, unfortunately it cracked and broke when I tried to remove it. This convinced me to search the modeling shops for fiberglass, once I had found it I just applied it with resin (3 layers) onto the silicone mold with the original piece inside it and with a little more careful prying with two icing spreaders I managed to lift it off without a problem.

Hope this answers your question.

What kind of silicone is it?
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a type of RTV silicone not any of the smooth on products, cant get those out here without paying loads for shipping. Its called RTV 4400
tarchinoko said:
a type of RTV silicone not any of the smooth on products, cant get those out here without paying loads for shipping. Its called RTV 4400

Great, thanx! :)
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Sorry not much progress has been posted recently but heres what ive been up to:

I have molded the knee and will be casting from it tomorrow

I have re molded the chest plate after realizing the first mold was much too thin

I have re pepped the hip plate and have put the first layer of resin on it

Pics for those 3 are on their way but until then I have something to say about the left and right side equip plates. Personally I found them to be a bit of a tricky build, lots of small fiddly bits with even smaller folds and delicate alignments. I did finish it but it was curved vertically and i scrapped it. Today I tried to scratch build it and test my sculpting skills. I had a crack at it and here is the product:



Sorry for the bad quality, my cam is broken so these are pics off my phone. The right side equipment plate looks real snug in its mold box doesnt it? Just begging to be molded. Unfortunately its too late to do it now so I have left it until tomorrow... But wait! Whats this? how could it be? is it? YES!


I stayed up an extra 30 mins to mold it and another 20 mins to clean up but its done!!!

Please comment on how ive done on the sculpt (I know you can barely see it but squint and maybe itll be a bit clearer lol).

Looking at what the mold is like 2mrw but until then 405th, I bid you a good night.


Seeing as no one is replying im gonna have to get this goin with another update!!!!

first off the pics of the new chest plate mold and resined hip plate:



Now you may be wondering about why the new mold has rubber bands.. Well thats cuz the new mold is the old mold... with a new dressing


I have also pained my first casting of the chest plate (as seen before)


Now up to the really new stuff. I today have been playing in clay :) and this was the product :D


Nearing the end of the day the box mold was finished curing but unfortunately when i removed the original clay model it was destroyed :(

sorry about the double post but I cant fit all of the images on this one post.

Anyways to continue from where i was the original was destroyed *gasp* :( ..... BUT not to worry


The mold turned out perfect!


That was resin in the mold and here is the casting removed from the mold


And finally to conclude this update here is the untrimmed cast with a layer of primer

Looking good man you work pretty fast. lol Quick question though. What king of resin are you using to cast and what did you make the mold for the side equipment plate out of?
I used some kind of poly urethane resin to cast it, very cheap stuff, not bad in my opinion only 2 bubbles on the surface this was very surprising for something that only costs $10 for over 750 ml. for the mold box I used (and wasted) a lot of some old mold making silicone I had lying around. Very unnecessary waste but oh well, for my first box mold its not that bad. Ill have the other equipment plate molded by 2moro and casted as well, once thats outta the way I can start putting filler on then to smooth and flatten.
Kirrou said:
Looking good man you work pretty fast.

heh... well when things start going right with my armor I tend to go at lightspeed before my luck runs out. I was actually quite surprised to get each sculpt done so quickly. first one was done in maybe 2 hours? Second one I managed to shave off 40 min and avoided some problems I had with the other one. The way i did it was edit the file to give me templates, I highly recommend scratch building these as its just so easy all you need is clay the templates and a steel ruler for measuring and cutting. If anyone wants the file with the templates then just post here and ill post a link to the download.
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Raghgh, where has this topic been and why hasn't I seen it? :3

Your progress has been smooth and consistent, everything looks quite good! Your sculpting attempt on that ab plate looks great! I've had a sculpted master ruined by a mold myself, so I'm glad to see your mold survived it, at least. Hah. Looking forward to what's coming up next.

My only beef is.. you maaay want to consider using a stencil on the chest plate? :] Your handwriting is okay, but if you want the paint to match the level of detail in the piece, it may need a liiittle bit of work. Heh.

Keep up the good work!


Aaaand also, side note..

Alex spartan177 said:
Of course dude, If he didn't feberglass the pieces first, the pieces wouldn't be sturdy enough to bondo them.
tarchinoko said:
these pieces haven't been fiber glassed as I have only just bought fiber glass ...

:< Maaaybe Tarch should stick to answering the questions so it's not confusing? 'Cuz I'm confuzzled.
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