My Halo 2 style ODST build (Pic heavy)

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Division Staff
405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Wow actually figured out how to post pictures.
I have been lurking for sometime. Learning, building, often dumping failed builds in the garbage can in frustration lol.

But this is my halo 2 ODST build as of now. More to come as I get them.
My leg pieces mocked up with the boots they have resin on them at this point
Under coated
First time trying out aging the piece. I used toothpaste.
both together
My waist piece that ended up giving me a major headache. Fit up to Rondoing then I couldn't get it on like i had before over my head. So I cut the piece and hinged it for an event. Only to have it tear apart after getting it on.

Me about to go into Florida Supercon. I have done up to here on this build in about 2 weeks more to come with lots of excitement.

Edit: Just to give credit where credit is due Ruze789 is who's peps I'm am using.
For those talented enough to do the 3d modeling and pep design. I bow to you. You all are amazing.
just an update should have some more pictures soon. Just a question on opinions. Is it just me but the more I look at reference pictures for halo 2 style odst. It doesn't look like there wearing thigh armor. Its looking like just a tactical belt and an ammo pouch or something like that. Is it just me seeing that?
Paint looks fine. Now you just have to weather it. Black wash and maybe a light brown wash (real thin 10% paint 90% water for the brown)
I got some work done getting the helmet started just for the record this is my 4th helmet of various kinds that i have taken to the bondo stage and failed so far. Here goes lucky number 4.

All peped and ready to go
Resin is on the outside looking good later this week ill be putting fiberglass on the inside then time for bondo.
As you can see in the last picture. and probly future pictures a friend of mind is working on a helmet as well and their is a 3rd helmet being made same as mine infact it was a scaling mistake of mine. Girlfriend decided she wants that one for herself. who am I to say no to that kind of request
Dang! Looks great! I particularly like how smooth and non-faceted it looks. Should make for an easier bondo/sanding job!

Keep up the great work!
someone on the forum at one point mentioned for projects like this helmet. When there are large round areas just to forget doing any folding for that area to keep it smoother
For the chest and waist since this project is Halo 2 style I been debating Doing a Tactical Vest and Tactical belt. with Urban camo Fatigue jacket matching the pants. and fingerless gloves.
ok so on my lunch from work so I worked on the bicep guards
I think the scaling is pretty decent. from my reference pictures its just seems like some extra protection.
ok here is the reference picture im using for my project just thought I would post it till i can get more work done possibly later today.

So I have been busy with work and pepping some stuff. Should have a update soon. Just needed to get a list down in one firm place all the pieces are running thru my mind all the time.

My outfit: pepakura|fiberglass/resined|rondo\sanded| painted
Helmet x x
left arm x x
right arm x x
left leg x x x x
right leg x x x x

Helmet x x
left arm
right arm
left leg
right leg

Girl friends:
Helmet x x
left arm x x
right arm x x
left leg n/a
right leg n/a
hers my update

Legs are getting properly fiberglassed when I made them I just resined them and I decided now that I have time before my next convention I'm doing things properly. to give them some strength

With my legs getting worked on I also got my helmet fiberglass giving it some strength

This is my arm pieces for my outfit in back is the sheath for my back knife


My girlfriends arm pieces and the knife that'll be in the sheath. I know the size is smaller but it just made sense. The blade size makes it manageable and the sheath fits with reference sizes.


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First off, kill your camera with fire. It's focus sucks methane.

That said, looking good so far on the build.
Here we go some progress for today Helmets getting damn heavy. Starting to think that my next adventure after my outfit is done is learning to cast. we will see.


Im happy with my progress got most of the peaks leaved pretty well going to be sanding and then alittle more bondo and should be be thinking about the visor by next week time range.

I'm out of supplies till pay day so unless I am feeling frisky to start sanding this week. might not have any more till the end of next week.
Helm looks good.
this is an ODST build soooo....
If anyone can finish the quote, you get a cookie:
"Helljumper, Helljumper, where ya been?"
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