All eligible members of Regiments - please note that we will be having elections in January of 2024 for the position of Regiment CO, and, where applicable, Battalion CO for each unit.
These elections are for 2 year terms.
The nomination period will begin at 12:01 am Pacific Time on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024 and will run for a period of 4 days ending at 12:00 am Pacific Time on Saturday, January 6, 2024.
To be an eligible nomination, each nomination must have a nomination, a second nomination and acceptance by the person being nominated. If one of those parts is missing, the nomination will not be eligible to move forward.
If there is only one eligible nomination, that person becomes the new CO of that unit.
If there is more than one eligible nomination, we will head in to a Q&A period and then in to a final period of voting.
If there are no eligible nominations, the current CO will remain in place.
To be eligible to run for the position of CO of either a Regiment or a Battalion, you must be over the age of 18 and be an active member of that Regiment.
These elections will happen in the members only areas of each unit. If you do not see your Regiment or Battalion members only area and you believe that you should, please message your Regiment CO as soon as possible so they can determine if you should have access.
These elections are for 2 year terms.
The nomination period will begin at 12:01 am Pacific Time on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024 and will run for a period of 4 days ending at 12:00 am Pacific Time on Saturday, January 6, 2024.
To be an eligible nomination, each nomination must have a nomination, a second nomination and acceptance by the person being nominated. If one of those parts is missing, the nomination will not be eligible to move forward.
If there is only one eligible nomination, that person becomes the new CO of that unit.
If there is more than one eligible nomination, we will head in to a Q&A period and then in to a final period of voting.
If there are no eligible nominations, the current CO will remain in place.
To be eligible to run for the position of CO of either a Regiment or a Battalion, you must be over the age of 18 and be an active member of that Regiment.
These elections will happen in the members only areas of each unit. If you do not see your Regiment or Battalion members only area and you believe that you should, please message your Regiment CO as soon as possible so they can determine if you should have access.