Active member recall

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Cedva Ko

Jr Member
I would like to figure out how many members are active. Personally I would like to see call sign and city but what ever you are willing to post is just fine so long as you post ACTIVE. Thank you well in advanced.

Name: Creagan N-098
serial number: 098
Squad: Null
City: Traverse city, Michigan
Region: Midwestern
current build: Odst over molle and bdu
Call sign: conquest
status: ACTIVE

intended by Halsey to be the next wave spartan II program, Carraig and the other members of the Spartan v program were pulled from military orphans and children of members of the military and trained to be better than the Spartan II candidates. Carraig and the other Spartan V candidates received the augmentations but continued training with marines ODST with a few teams training with members of the arbiters people. they were also given the skills to return to civilian life after their tour of duty was over. They did not see action with the covenant but were present for training with ODST aboard infinity for training during the Didact events. Each member of the program receive an AI cloned from their minds upon induction into the program. those that was out loose their AI and are returned to their families.
Carraig himself is a calm individual. Intent more on getting his team home safe than his own safety he often charges in head first. His AI is the only one that is of opposite gender as it changed to look like his sister who died right before an update scan.
Name: Chris Purintun
City: Watertown, South Dakota
Current build: MKVI armor
Status: Active

I'm pretty new to this, but this forum is amazingly helpful
Welcome Chrispy!
hope you enjoy your stay!
If you need help, dont hesitate to ask!
Lavernius Tucker

even though im mountian, can i still post my active number?
This thread started off as a way for me to find people in my regiment, then I was asked if another person from a different region could post too. This thread is less about personal info (real or invented) and more about who is active now. I'm part of another sight that was going strong with only a few people posting regularly. Then all of a sudden it started to slow. Right now I'm the last person to post and that was last month.
Name: S-169: Tucker (Yortsorm)
Spartan-II Class-II
Blue Team/Spartan-II Project
Rank: Cpt
Armour: Aqua "stock" MK VI MILONIR
Gender: Male
Appearance: N/A
Preferred weapon: Energy sword "Key"
Armor Enhancement(s): Helmet Camera
(NOTE: my character is Tucker from the Red VS Blue Series)
Breif BIO:
Prior to Recreation, Tucker's personality was shown to be immature, perverted, and sarcastic, and highlighted his obsession for women as well as making sexual jokes at any opportunity. Although he was the highest-ranking army official on his team, he allowed others to take command, such as Church. Later in the series he found the Great Weapon, After his return in Recreation, he is shown to be (slightly) more mature and skilled, due to the fact that an alien race chose him to be their hero. As the series progresses, Tucker's sense of responsibility and skill continue to grow, specifically after being forced into a leadership role due to being caught up in a civil war on the planet Chorus.
Helmet Camera (RVB):
"Jensen and I have installed capture software into all of our helmets, allowing us to transmit what we saw on the battlefield to a local server"
-Simmons in Training daze
The Helmet Camera (also known as Helmet Cam for short) is a piece of capturing software equipment, created by Simmons and Jensen, that possess the ability to record footage on the battlefield from a soldier's visor and transfer said footage to a local server. If a nearby server is unavailable the helmet cam can be operated by an A.I.

Lavernius Tucker

Regiment: Mountian
Name: Tanner Larson
Location: Washington
Call sign: Bush
Rank: Gunnery Sgt.
Affiliation: United Nations Space Command 127th ODST Regiment.
Classification: ODST, Operative.
Specialty: Foam molding, Ground Operations.
Status: Active
Bio: 4 years active service in the 405th database. 4th tour of duty.
Active status: Confirmed. Preparing for ground operations in the Pasco, Washington region, Radcon site.
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