Alright, This is how it works around here.

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drgon47 said:
Ya know, stickying things is a sure fire way to garuntee that any newcomer will not take the time to read it, for the simple fact that, oh let it come, its a Sticky. I think there should be a flash movie that they have to watch to be approved to begin posting on the site.
thats a little mean, im a newb and i read all( well most of them) of the stickies! :cautious:
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mel_surf5 said:
thats a little mean, im a newb and i read all( well most of them) of the stickies! :cautious:

Agreed, I just arrived and I am currently reading the stickies. This is the second thread I've read and I can already say I'll like it here. :love:

Especially because of things like this!

Now, onward I travel!

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tottally agreed high fives (slap)

this is a good thread should be stickied because its a simple,serius guideline with a little bit of funny in it.
Sean Bradley said:
The mods run this site. We clean up after the members, settle disputes, enforce the rules, and contribute countless hours of our own time to keep this site functional. Thats childish? I'd say that your response to having your post edited was childish; calling us out, insulting us, and further escalating the situation, knowing full well that we can pull your posts, ban, suspend, or enforce a moderator preview of your posts whenever we feel it necessary.

Our members need to show some level of respect for each other, and have a basic ability to state their opinions in a non-insulting way. Your comment was edited because one of the MODs thought you were being rude, and your response was a much higher offense than the initial mistake.
If you ever come back, you're going to have to learn how to deal with your frustrations without taking them out on other members. That kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

I wanted to give you a chance to redeem yourself, but I can see a pattern forming here...

Sorry Adrenaline...


wow....y cant we all just....mod some pep?...
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what is it with newbs and wanting to post on sticky threads. i find it very annoying. its a good idea to ban multiple posters aswell.
Rivalmage said:
what is it with newbs and wanting to post on sticky threads. i find it very annoying. its a good idea to ban multiple posters aswell.
Dude! you're a newb, and you posted on a sticky thread. What gives?
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Spartan-419 said:
Here's the way I see this one. We are a group dedicated to the model and imitation of a military soldier, a Spartan. The Mods are, in some way shape and form, our Drill Sergeants. They are most certainly our leaders on this site. In our outside lives, they aren't. We can't go throughout our day wondering what the Admins and Mods of the 405th would think of our actions. We can be as mean and nasty as we like.

However, the moment we click the link, or type it in, for this forum site, we adhere to their rules. We are required to follow a certain code of honor, and respect the opinions and thoughts of our fellow Spartans. We can disagree, but in a civil manner. This is what's known as a debate. What has been occurring, and what I have tried to not become a part of, is squabbling. This site isn't Xbox Live, and we need to realize this. When a new member does something rude or inconsiderate, instead of lashing out at them in an equally brash manner we need to just tell them "hey, we don't do that here".

I think I've kind of slipped into RA mode here, so I'll quit while I'm ahead. What I basically mean to say is that here, we're family. Doom, Sean, and all the other admins are the parent figures, with Adam being the big daddy. Of course he doesn't rumble... or try to kill us (often). And then who would be the little sister? Hmm... I'll have to mull that one over.

Besides, no one should really be squabbling on Live anyways. It's just plain stupid, and you should just have fun playing the game.
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Adam said:

Take time to "preview post". Read what you're about to post... if you have to, read it aloud. Open another tab... type the word in the search and make sure it's spelled correctly... type complete thoughts... try not to ramble like I am doing now :p ...

Flaming is bad. If you can't comment constructively, then don't comment, just move on.

Do not bring down the Hammer!
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I think new n00bs should have to submit brain scans to the mods. That should be mandatory. :D

I also want to take this time to point out a discrepancy that I've had my personal assembly of today's greatest scientific minds working on recently. They show that this is the reason why such things as double posts exist:


As you can see, the Double Posters are functioning on the same level as the common lemming. Just though that I would point that out.
falcon NL said:
*pull out the BanHamer and do somthing!!!
I know that my English isn't my best language , but i alway hope that people do understand what i am trying to say...

As for the brain thing.... :lol:

Maybe its a idea that you need some type of quality check before you can sign up.... show some of your work before maybe. Its true that some people think its necessary to cures of use profanity. Also there is nothing wrong with a good question, but is it so hard to search for the answer?

Yeah I know that some forums only allow you to even view other topics unless you read all the stickys

also happy 500th post falcon
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Well I guess it is good time to necro this thing back out, so newbies like me can expect how to behave on the fourm. I don't want someone to be banned because they're not informed...
You should add a feature to where once a new member joins he's directed to the Noob Orientation Video.. It may make things easier.
I know I don't post much for someone that’s been a member for over a year but I agree that the Noob's should watch the Orientation Video before they continue. It's always a good idea to review your work before you submit it, you don't want people to think you’re an idiot and can't use a dictionary. You’re on a computer with Internet access for crying out loud, you can always Google your words if you don't know how to spell them. OK I'll shut up now!
Very nice collaboration of what and what not to do, it helped me alot :)

Although, I did think the picture of the child running in the Special Olympics was rather hurtful. My nephew has down syndrome and has been a part of the Special Olympics many times. Not telling you how to do your job (im in no place for that) and i know this sort of sounds a bit condescending, but do realize that such material can be offensive to member such as myself. Just saying.
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