anyone else just making a halloween costume?

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like alot of people around here, i wanted to be master chief for halloween. being an art student, i could totally make some replica armor, but wearing something like that to a party isn't fun. i mean, first off, i don't want to be such a huge dork, when everyone else will be wearing some 10 dollar mask from the drug store. second, i actually want to enjoy the party and be comfortable. and three, i don't want to be paranoid about some drunk guy messing up my costume that took weeks to put together.

so i've decided to make a master chief "costume". im using a t-ball helmet as the base for my master chief helmet and i'm cutting a gym mat into separate pieces to create the "armor". the gym mat, actually a yoga mat, is made of inch thick soft rubbery foam. the last thing i'll be doing is spray painting it bright lime green.

i'm actually putting alot of work into this costume, but i don't want people to know that i put that much time into it. am i crazy? is anyone else making a simple costume to wear to a party?

ive started the helmet, and am almost finished. i just painted it, so i'll post some pics when its done.

I personally am putting a lot of work into my armor, and only hope to have it done by Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hannakuh/new years, but your thought intrigued me.

I actually think that so far your armor looks very good (even though I only see a helmet). I feel like your armor is cleaner than most, and that is a quality I really like about it, as it seems to make the armor feel complete, despite a lack of fine details.

Just a few questions. What color are you painting it anyhow? What did you use to make your visor (which appears to be clear to begin with) gold?
I wish you good luck with your costume and I hope the rest of it has the same cleanliness as the helmet.
That does look like an ODST helmet. It looks very cool though.
And yeah, cheap quick costume for me too, I'm doing just the MC helmet. And I won't be too worried if it gets smashed up in a drunken halloween fit.
I would build it as a odst helmet, even if you use chief armor, who cares, I mean I doubt anyone would notice, they;d be too busy gawking at you in amazment because you have cool armor and they dont.

I like the helmet pictures, and it does look really nice, people in the past, tried basing their helmets off bike helmets then noticed the scaling was way too big on them, so good job.
thanks for all the nice comments, as i said, this is not suppose to look like a replica, i just want something that people will see and think "oh thats masterchief" so i basically figured that boils down to big gold visor and a squared off chin.

really, i feel like im going more as Mr. Chief than masterchief, although i'm sure no one at the halloween party would know what that means...

as for what things are made of, the helmet is obviously a t-ball helmet with a plastic chin made out of a material called kometex. the visor is a piece of clear plastic with 22k gold vinyl on top. i work in a graphics shop, so i have some unusual materials to work with. the visor is REAL GOLD, i bet no one on this board can say that. its a little hard to see through, its by no means a motorcycle visor, but i have about 75% viability through it, which is good enough for me at a halloween party.

i'm at school right now, but i'll post some pictures of the finished painted helmet when i get home.

ok, my helmet is 99% done... i painted it and it's looking good. im having some slight fitting issues with the visor, but whatever.

my armor is almost done too. id take a picture of it, but it looks like a pile of cut up gym mats right now.. (which it is)

tomorrow my plan is to paint all the armor pieces to match my helmet. then i should be just about done.
christ said:

ok, my helmet is 99% done... i painted it and it's looking good. im having some slight fitting issues with the visor, but whatever.

my armor is almost done too. id take a picture of it, but it looks like a pile of cut up gym mats right now.. (which it is)

tomorrow my plan is to paint all the armor pieces to match my helmet. then i should be just about done.
that looks great! Can't wait till see final version
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ok. ive got the armor mostly done.

i decided to take a picture with the helmet and armor on.

it looks real cartoony. almost a caricature of master chief. i think it'll go over real well at the halloween party. the girls will have no idea who i am, but their boyfriends will love me.
christ said:
the girls will have no idea who i am, but their boyfriends will love me.

:unsure: :unsure: dunno if thats a desired effect.

aside from that, i think a cartoony Spartan is awesome!
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