1st Build Armor Lights


New Member
Interested in how anyone has done armor lights.
I'm making my first armor set and want to incorporate real lighting to be accurate.

How have you done this? Specifically in the lens portion. LEDs are obviously the go-to for lighting part.
Some thoughts:
-Frosted acrylic
-Create own "frosted" lens by scuffing up clear plastic
-Lightly paint clear plastic blue then shine LEDs through

Maybe there is something pre-made that someone else has found to work already?

Making MKV armor set from Reach. Pic included for in-game reference.


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May I suggest this post by Rock Lobbster where he shows how he did his lighting on his suit. His lighting looks great!
May I suggest this post by Rock Lobbster where he shows how he did his lighting on his suit. His lighting looks great!
Awesome stuff, thanks for the link. I'll eventually update this thread once I make a decision
I decided to use 1/8" frosted acrylic for the lens part of my lights. One side is frosted and has a texture, the other is smooth. I scuffed up the smooth side to diffuse the light better and faced the textured side out. Super glue to hold in place.
The LEDs I used are left over from another project I had done. I wired them all together into a USB end so that they can be powered by a power bank.
I also made little "mirror boxes" to cover the lights for two reasons.
1. To ensure no light shines back onto my body
2. To reflect the light back towards the lens for a better look
Those were made with cardboard and aluminum ducting tape then hot glued in place.
The inside is not very pretty but it is quite effective.
That's all for the front chest for now.


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