Armour Material?

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Sean Bradley said:
The armor would look the same as armor that isn't made with carbon fiber. Except that it will cost a great deal more and that you'll be telling everyone 'it's made of carbon fiber, it might theoretically stop bullets maybe!" until you go crazy and decide to try to prove it to someone.

We've always had this policy here when we hear members talking about doing this stuff. It goes a little something like this:
Just had to say it. I'm kinda like obligated to do so.

I have to agree with Sean and add my own two cents. While talking about having a carbon fiber set of armor will look cool and be totally awesome, considering it funtional as a piece of protective equiptment for projectiles of firearms isn't. Thats not really the way the 405th would like to be on the news I'd imagine :whistle:

For bulletproofing and the such, that stuff is calculated and engineered for concepts such as coeffieients of deformation, stresses, and material managment. Just to give an idea of the scope of things.

Two pennies for all to share.

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Sean Bradley said:
The armor would look the same as armor that isn't made with carbon fiber. Except that it will cost a great deal more and that you'll be telling everyone 'it's made of carbon fiber, it might theoretically stop bullets maybe!" until you go crazy and decide to try to prove it to someone.

We've always had this policy here when we hear members talking about doing this stuff. It goes a little something like this:
Just had to say it. I'm kinda like obligated to do so.
Thanks for your concern Sean, its not my intention to try and blame the 405th or have a ballistics suit of armour, but a suit that will hold up better and last longer than say a normal pepped and fg'd armour. I am working on all of the design work and no it won't look like every other peice of armour in here. It will look magnific, perfect, superb, etc.
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Sean Bradley said:
The armor would look the same as armor that isn't made with carbon fiber. Except that it will cost a great deal more and that you'll be telling everyone 'it's made of carbon fiber, it might theoretically stop bullets maybe!" until you go crazy and decide to try to prove it to someone.

We've always had this policy here when we hear members talking about doing this stuff. It goes a little something like this:
Just had to say it. I'm kinda like obligated to do so.

True said I think it would be alot easier (and cheaper a hell of alot cheaper) to create the Carbon Fibre style pattern on the top of a normal fibreglass and resin pep design somehow.

This website and it's administrators do not recommend or endorse the use of costume armor for Paintball, Airsoft, or any other such athletic or ballistic activities.

Please exercise good judgement and consult a good psychiatrist/physician before engaging in any strenuous activity in homemade supersoldier costumes that could result in bodily harm and legal prosecution.

In short; play at your own risk, don't say we didn't warn you.

I would never think about using Carbon Fibre as ballistic protection due to the low shatter resistance.
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Thanks for your concern Sean, its not my intention to try and blame the 405th or have a ballistics suit of armour, but a suit that will hold up better and last longer than say a normal pepped and fg'd armour. I am working on all of the design work and no it won't look like every other peice of armour in here. It will look magnific, perfect, superb, etc.

Hey, just letting you know of our policy, no harm, no foul. We just don't want people to get hurt.

While I'm sure it will look magnificent, perfect, and superb etc, so does most of the armor here. I think you missed my point.

A piece made of carbon fiber and epoxy will look the same as an identical piece made of fiberglass and resin. Armor made of carbon fiber won't look any different because of the material choice, there will still be a coat of resin on the outermost layer.. people would pretty much just have to take your word for it.

If you're talking about having the "carbon fiber texture", I'd have to agree with Sneblot, it's aesthetic, so why not just sculpt it to look like carbon fiber?
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here is a rendering i did real quick to get my ideas on paper. each detail piece on the stomach, back, and knees will have a cf plate inserted and backed by neoprene rubber. it will be alot of work but i want the suit to feel rigid in some places and fluid in others. Think of it as chainmail.
My bad... I didn't think you were talking about the undersuit. No need to Pep that.

Forgive my intrusion. :oops:

here is a rendering i did real quick to get my ideas on paper. each detail piece on the stomach, back, and knees will have a cf plate inserted and backed by neoprene rubber. it will be alot of work but i want the suit to feel rigid in some places and fluid in others. Think of it as chainmail.

Thats wicked idea I hadn;t even thought about using it on the under suit.
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Oh yeah baby, i've thinking of it ever since i first came to the site. Just never mentioned anything until now. It would actually work. instead of being a soft undersuit, it will be soft to touch but rock hard enough you could take a punch to the stomach and feel nothing. While the poor soul who did the punching is rushing to the doc for a cast on his arm. Well actually, i could sculpt him an awesome looking cast!

check out this out. I found some aluminum epoxy and urethane casting compounds that cure to a aluminum finish. I think this may work for a slush cast for the outer armour. While i'm at it with the Carbon Fiber, I could reinforce it.

I got it, use the aluminum epoxy with the cf. you can make a vacum bag relatively easily and do it just like you would any other cf product, instead use the aluminum epoxy with the cf and tint to the color of choice. Input anyone?

Woah, woah, woah. Please do not post like that. It is frowned upon to double post, just think how much trouble you could get in for quad posting. I don't mean to seem rude but there are rules to using the forum properly as well as no no's too.
You idea seems cool, but it's not going to feel cool. I'm sure you realized that though. Thoughts for heat ventilation?
GUNNEY SGT bob said:
well i have but a question could fiber glass take paintball fire?
Try a search for "Paintball Armor" in the search function. There have been many threads that discuss that.
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23Magnum said:
You idea seems cool, but it's not going to feel cool. I'm sure you realized that though. Thoughts for heat ventilation?

Actually I have. I could use a breathable material under the arms, armour and insides of the legs. Much like most fitness apperals.
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Sweet idea on the undersuit.

Back on the Carbon Fiber topic, carbon fiber doesn't run $100/square yard. At Fibre it will run you $59.99 for a 36" x 50" piece. However, unless you're using the 12K Harness Triaxial Weave material (Double the price!) you will need to laminate at least 6 layers for your armor to hold up to impact and most likely line the insides of the parts with 6KH Kevlar for maximum impact and ballistics protection. Also, you will need to get the bake under vacuum epoxy resin to use for lamination as polyester resin will not hold up at all to any kind of impact.

You will also need to vacuuform molds out of thicker plastic over your fiberglass parts in order to create molds to laminate the carbon fiber into so that you can get perfect parts when you go to vacuum bag them.

In short, it is possible and very practical to make your armor out of carbon fiber. It's just up in the $5000-$7000 range of building parts.

Alternatively: You can use aluminized [black] fiberglass (Fibre that will give you the same look as 3K Twill Weave Carbon Fiber but at a much more reasonable price ($20/yard). It will basically be a fiberglass part that looks like carbon fiber when you're finished. Just vacuuform the mold, add vaseline for a release, spread a layer of resin on the inside, place the black fiberglass over the resin, paint another layer of resin on, and then use something like a clear painter's drop cloth to put over the top and vacuum the plastic down over the resin & fabric. This will give you a faux Carbon Fiber shell to then go over the inside and resin/fiberglass normally.
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Actually I have. I could use a breathable material under the arms, armour and insides of the legs. Much like most fitness apperals.
I'm thinking you'll need a lot more than that especially since you're planning on using layers of carbon fiber and rubber. Just ask anyone who's worn a full suit, even fitness apperal on it's own can get really hot.
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Thermal management is a big one. A liquid cooling system is one answer, but that would be quite a bit of work. Someone may want to look into these: Cool Vest. They're a bit pricey, around $100 and up, but these things work. I'm looking at buying one for work before summer hits (I work the ramp at an airport, it gets HOT!)
i'll definately have to look into that. Thanks for all the response to everyone, its really making the wheels turn and get me thinking.

Just a little update. I've been looking around for different materials instead of wetsuits and black under armour. From neoprene to meshes to freaking woven carbon fiber. I've found a material called "airprene". it has the stretchy characteristics of neoprene but the ventilation of mesh and can be applied anywhere. So to answer the overheating issue, i think it might actually work. Now all I have to do is get some patterns designed and start sewing....YYEEEAAAYYY!!!

Wow, this thread's had over 500 views but not that may people interested in input...mmm, sad. " INPUT. NEED MORE INPUT." (Short Circuit)
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