ARMY OF TWO: (CONSTANT WIP never stop editing [pic heavy])

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Jr Member
Early in my costuming life I found the pepfile for the army of two SALEM model mask and I made myself one just for S's and G's, but then got into airsoft, and through the mask into my load out...

This is the out come (sorry about it being camera/computer went stupid...)
the picture is what I actually wear into an airsoft game.


This is also a costume I am going to put into conventions and I will also be buying new gear (I am also on a diet and exercise program [self constructed and might I say working D*** good too...] so yea there is that) but yea as I change/get more gear or switch out parts and other guns and masks I will post more pic's, when I update my mask with a new Paint job I will probably post new pic's, and if any one is interested in what gear I am using, let me know I would gladly tell you and reference you to where I got it.

also if I can get either 100 views on this or at least 100 comments/replies I will make a CRV like I did for Vincent "bolt" chambers
(here's a link to the thread please leave comments on what you think about it)


  • IMG_2361_zpsbce14dc7.jpg
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also if I can get either 100 views on this or at least 100 comments/replies I will make a CRV like I did for Vincent "bolt" chambers
(here's a link to the thread please leave comments on what you think about it)

Uh, yeah, you're going to have to work for those 100 comments. We don't comment so you will build something; you build something for us to comment on.

Interesting set up, by the way. What kind of chest rig are you wearing there? Oh, and, trigger discipline.
Iv had no problems with that mask, and thanks augmented, and the build is done, it's up to the comments if I type up a story for him

I made a army of two mask.. also have a mold for it :) ... I believe a smaller eye would work better for airsoft... (EXAMPLE--- if you lay out nails to walk on... the closer the nails the more likely it wont go through your foot) So the small you get the eye the better the mesh or wire over the eye will hold and not break..

Anyways thought I would throw that out there, because I thought about adding wire mesh into mine before.. but your mask looks hip =D Nice paint job too I like!
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