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the stig

Well-Known Member

It has come to my attention that I am being stalked online.

My hobbies that included 405th related activites, were kept private, I made sure no information from my school life was connected to my online life. However despite hiding my face and my name, somehow, someone found out at my school.

Just a quick "inb4". In UK doing something like this is considered seriously gay. There's no arguing or ways around it by saying its a productive hobby. If you're around 15 or 16, in the UK, and you do such hobbies you are apparently 'A faggot'.

Anyway one person found out, then more and more, now its escalated to an occasional mention to annoy me.

MY school diary went missing during a DT lesson last week.

Today i found it laying on the floor in the DT room with drill holes through it, and phrases like "I bash off to halo" and "TheStig405th, Wanna come make gay $#!Tty halo armour with me?" written all over it.

From this point on, I no longer care, fortunately I only have several months before I leave school, and never have to see these guys again.

In the next few weeks expect major updates. Nothing physical unfortunately, but I'm working on a written/drawn group project.


PS: If you stalkers are reading this, Atleast give me a name so we can see how "Gay" it is when i talk to you face to face.
This is kinda a rant... I;m not really sure if it;s withing forum rules. I kinda think this is way off base. But really man, don't care about what other people think. My older brother thinks I;m an idiot, but if it pleases me, hey. Besides, the forum is accessible by ANYBODY. If you don't want anyone to know you're making armor, just slam the door in the basement and don't go online. And why don;t you report the incident to the school, and try to figure out who's behind this? And making threats is NOT the way to cure your problem. You're just doing exactly what they want, to get mad. you're playing right into their hands. chill out. Just some advice, but I recommend the mdos lock or delete this thread.

Edit: also, there's a LOT of younger costume makers in the UK. Seriously, every country, someone thinks that if you make something, it's dumb. Unless it's aginst the law, who cares what other morons say?
Hey man i hope that jerk will stop being such an ignorant a##hole and just leave people and you alone, it's non of his buissness if you decide to make totaly pwnage halo armor or not and if you feel you should bash his head in a locker, do it. { im not the kind of guy to use violence on other people though]
Less of a threat, my friend.

The first post was unintentional, my shift key is screwed, copying and pasting fails sometimes. Post has been edited with first intentional post.

You're right, at the same time, this thread will now be my update thread with my new scripted project. But updates are yet to come.

And this could be used as a warning to anyone who's younger than me, and may be going into a similar position. That kind of hassle is NOT what kids need at school, especially for the rest of their years they're stuck there for.
Tell your school principal. If that doesn't work, tell the police (a diary with holes drilled in it could be taken as a threat). If that doesn't work, there's always lawyers.

Also, might want to clean up your post a bit, the UK is not more biased against costumers than any other populace, you just seem to have worse luck than most.
Trust me when I say this. They say your "gay" now, but when you show them a finished costume, armour part or weapon, they all go "Holly $hit dude, thats aresome! How did you make that?!". Its even funnier when you show up on their door step, and knock on the door after you yell "POLICE" and charge into their house with full tac gear and a Battle Rifle. Then you run to where they are and tackle them to the ground. Trust me, that was a funny few minutes for the guy I tackeled.

Then, when you hav the whole school doing this stuff, you say "look who's gay now".

Besides, its typicle for a bunch of imature, smart@$$ teenagers to do that.
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