Battlestar Galactica finally returns

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Sr Member
Any other BSG fans on here?
Waiting less than patiently, for just over a year, to see 'what the frak is up with BSG'?

We were left with a "Returns in January 08", then March, and now finally, April 4th, it's back on...

Of course, with the writer's strike, this 4th and final season will actually be 2 separate 10-episode seasons (this is what I've seen reported pretty much everywhere, anyway...), with the second set coming on either this fall or early 09. So even after this long wait we'll have to wait even longer to see the end.

Just thought I'd see if anyone else is excited for its return... or if it lost you in the painfully extended wait.

Huh, I would have thought there would have been more BSG fans here... anyway, I can't wait for the new season!! :D bit of a pain that it's going to be split but at least we'll get the second half (I had heard that if the writers strike went on too long they might have dumped the second half altogether)

It's also good because it'll fill up the free time I have while I wait for new episodes of Lost and Reaper :D
Very much looking forward to seeing more of the series. I'm right there with you in that the wait to see its continuation was a serious pain in the posterior. It's a shame this will be the final season, though... :whistle:
I think I have seen the show once or twice.

Were do you think I came up with the green color for my master chief helmet?

Real CX$ with all found parts, reall Sommers flight suit material, MJF pins and old patches (I have to correct ones now)

Correct Viper Pilot boots for my flightssuit (WIP)
hi im a fan of the new BSG my mum is of the old one lol.

i have a question that could spoil so its in the spoil thing.

is this the continuation from when Cara Thrace came back saying she found the way to earth as a large battle was about to happen and the Cylons like the onboard BSG met up in that one room singing all along the watch towers by jimmy hendrix?
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CMANavy said:
I think I have seen the show once or twice.
Were do you think I came up with the green color for my master chief helmet?
Real CX$ with all found parts, reall Sommers flight suit material, MJF pins and old patches (I have to correct ones now)

Nice to see we have some Battlestar fans here. ^^This is the kind of post I was really hoping to see...
Awesome gear, and that is a very inspiring green indeed. That material looks amazing. Nice weapon, too, that is def one of the cooler guns used in the show.

I haven't given serious thought to putting together a BS suit yet, but have toyed with the idea of making/ seeking out a Viper helmet, love the way they look.

CrAzY CH13F: I haven't seen exactly where this season picks up, but it is sometime close to when the last season left off... Not like last season when it jumped far ahead like it did...
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CMANavy said:
I think I have seen the show once or twice.

Were do you think I came up with the green color for my master chief helmet?

Real CX$ with all found parts, reall Sommers flight suit material, MJF pins and old patches (I have to correct ones now)

Correct Viper Pilot boots for my flightssuit (WIP)
thats a VERY nice collection of props and materials you have there CMANavy. Im getting some Apollo dog tags soon.

I had no idea it was so close!!!!!!
NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO, my nets are 1% from capping, i cant download it tomorrow!!!!
Ill have to get my friend to do it for me.
I'm a huge BSG fan, i haven't watched the old series, but i love the new one!
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If you think putting to get a MC is hard the Viper suit is fracking insane, I am at 2 years and counting. The fabric is gone and can only be orderd in 300 yard rolls, the belt and pouches were custom made for the show, the shoes are difficult to get, only one jerk makes the right paint for them too.

I can point you in the direction of a helmet, there is one guy that makes killer helmets. I have a season 2 helmet (but no pics) and it set me back $600, the season one helmets wiht the movable jaw are $800.

Sheeshhh that's a lot of obstacles for that suit... I'm sure it'll look awesome when it's done though, with all that work. I know there's a lot of not so accurate flightsuits out there, but the fabric alone that you've got looks most impressive.

The helmet would serve no other purpose than to sit in happiness in my comic book room spare bedroom, so I think 600 or 800 is a little high for that... just want a quick and dirty facsimile, I know the real ones are rather involved. I wouldn't mind seeing yours or where you got it from, though...

And yes, just a little longer now!
I made sure to clear the night, so I can catch the last ep or two from season 3, they're on at 8.
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I finished season 3 yesterday, but its onn all day today on Sci-Fi. I have my TV set to auto tune, just in case I space out.

The helmets are not cheap but they come fully finished, painted with lighting. I suprizingly dont have any pics of it at the moment. I think the suit will cost me about $4,000 or so when all said and done. There is even a costuming club too, there are some nice patches being sold right now, you can get the Galactica patch on the correct fabric and the Pegasus one is comming out soon too.
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