Belakor's Mjolnir Armor Build Thread

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I absolutely LOVE how the helmet is coming together. I'm sure that, if you get bored of it or grow out of it, you'll fetch a few thousand dollars on eBay.
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epic win, man that looks so amazing. I really don't like the recon helmet in game, but it looks incredible in real life! the black and silver make such a difference.
Belakor said:
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That is insanely sweet. I like the look of the silver visor much more than I would a gold on the black. Me Want, Me Want Now.
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Quoting and adding pics takes up a a lot of space so I'm going to try this "@" system others are using to save you all from having to scroll for miles though my posts :)

@SKG: Yeah, I might be slightly biased when it comes to armor color :p Black just looks so cool and it also means you can use the one ODST helmet with both the Spartan and ODST costumes :D

@WarHead: It's the perfect match :D I think a matte black visor would have looked pretty cool though, too bad I couldn't find anything that would have worked

@ImaGonnaGetYou: and I'm sure I could probably get a decent amount for it on eBay but realistically, no one would want to pay what I would charge for it :p

@rvb: Things can always get better... maybe the pics below will help improve this thread :whistle:

@volkov: I kind of feel the same about the in-game version, I think it's because of the color most people use, I can't really imagine how a Recon helmet would look in anything other than green or black now :) though I almost want to do some copies just so I could make a hot pink one ;):lol:

@Rob: Thanks :) I should have really taken a photo of the gold test visor I did, it really did look quite odd.

Small progress update, my orbital sander died over the weekend (seized bearing which has since been replaced) which slowed things down but I was given one of those mouse sanders to keep me going... I really don't know how I survived without out it, it's sooo much better than the orbital.

Here's some pics of the pieces in the various stages of smoothing (note the CQB shoulder mounted on the right bicep ;) and weathered left boot toe cap)
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Missing from the pics, left thigh, left shin, right boot heel, ab piece and left bicep... they still need a bit of work so I didn't bither with them.
As you can see there isn't much in the way of details right now, I could probably get the armor done with a reasonable amount of detail in time but I don't really want to be working on it until the very last minute so for this first troop I'll just use the smooth but undetailed pieces and finish it all up after I get back.

Just waiting for the paint to dry on the right forearm, then I'll start the weathering... for anyone interested, I'm using the GW Citadel paints to do all the weathering, mostly Mithril Silver, Bleached Bone, Skull White, Dark Angels Green, Bronzed Flesh and when I can find the other pots I'll use some of the darker browns and Chaos Black.
I have to agree with 'TheRob'. However, a n00b like me needs to earn his armor. I love the toe piece. That second photo looks like it has some grass stuck in it. That's funny. Looks like your doing well and enjoying your self. I, as well as many others, look forward to more from you.
@Smilie: Probably too much:lol: I don't tend to do too well with commissioned stuff, people don't like the way I jump between projects and take forever to finish everything... which is understandable but when I get bored nothing gets done, you just need to look at my piles of unfinished projects to see that :p

@Fightstar: I wasn't sure if anyone would notice the little grass pieces :D was just messing around with some flock that I found in a box while looking for paint, I think it looks kinda cool but it'll need some paint... it's this weird combination of colors up close o_O
I know what you mean about buying armor pieces, I had thought of buying but the idea of earning it by building myself... pity it's so expensive to do :p

Another small update:
Did some weathering on the right forearm the other night, only really done the basic silver parts so far:

I added some of the buckles to the torso today, also working on the belt and side webbing pieces for the torso
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and this is something I was messing around with a couple of weeks ago, still very early but it should be a good base for the Security radio back thing:
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I like ! But isnt the security radio thingy just a antenna on the back of the HD chest?
and also, any progress on the odst?
feardrake said:
I like ! But isnt the security radio thingy just a antenna on the back of the HD chest?
and also, any progress on the odst?

I don't have any screenshots handy but to me it looks like it's some sort of box-like attachment that clips on top of the HD chest, if you look at it from the front you can kind of see how it looks to be an additional piece that fits over... though I don't actually have the Security gear in-game so my references are pretty limited :(
Haven't really done much to the ODST, I'll probably get back to that after my troop next month (and after the ODST pep files are out :))
BTW thanks for the post feardrake, saved me from having to double post :D

I've been pretty busy trying to get an update together, most stuff is starting to look smoother.
Had to modify the inner thigh piece because it looked all weird, now it curves more:
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Belt is coming together, just need to decide on the best way to attach the belt to the fiberglass piece:

One boot is coming together well, as with the torso I decided to just hack out the recessed areas in the back and replace them with styrene:
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And the rest of the stuff:
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This is another thing I've been messing with:
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I think it was GoO that had the forearm mounted Jackal shields but it's been a while since I read the book... anyway, I was going through the game models from Halo 2, saw the Jackal and remembered the shields from the book... ten minutes later the shield emitter was ripped off the Jackal and in pep ready to print. I need to get my hands on some good references of the emitter from the game but I think this is a good starting point but, if anyone has any ideas feel free to share :)

That's it for now, I'm off to get as much done as possible :) only three weeks to go

Actually, before I go I have some news that might shock some people...
... I can now confirm that some Spartans may be spies for Apple:
:lol: Sadly I can't seem to find my 'Apple Staff' shirt so the Barton Creek one had to do...
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Im loving the black and silver. I'm thinking it makes a good colour scheme for NZ spartans. I vote we make it the official 405th NZ squad colour.
smilie120 said:
HOLY FREAKING JESUS! Every time I visit this thread you never cease to amaze me. This helm is absoloutley beautiful belakor kudos. I cant wait to see the rest of this project finnished.
huh, thats acuialy exactly what i was guna say.
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AWESOME AWESOME work Belakor! The black is Tres Sexy!! And everything is coming together beautifully! I love the Jacal shield innovation you put on the armor too :D
Skullcandy Girl said:
AWESOME AWESOME work Belakor! The black is Tres Sexy!! And everything is coming together beautifully! I love the Jacal shield innovation you put on the armor too :D

I wholeheartedly second that sentiment! Some mighty awe-inspiring work you've done there, Belakor! The one word that instantly comes to mind is "Dayum" :D

Though I'm typically a real stickler for keeping things cannon, I really like how the silver visor goes with the black. A much more striking appearance than if the visor had been the standard gold.

Btw, love the detailing on the helmet. Pretty darn slick, heh.

Bravo, dude! (y)
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You are a bondo laying and sanding fiend my friend! Looks awesome! Pace yourself, be safe and you will be done in no time. Look forward to seeing more.

ODST stuff. Yeah I am attempting to do the Halo 2 version. The step you are at now in the process is what I am paying attention to because this is the fine detail that is going to make or break the armor. I'll know more if I can ever get to fiberglassing. So don't sweat the ODST. Where you are at and what you are doing will help you knock out that ODST armor like it was nothing.
@ Master_Chief_13: You know, that cat is amazing, no matter how many times I see it dancing it never seems to get tired... now that's dedication.

@ NZ: You know, I hadn't actually thought of that until you mentioned it, black and silver is pretty popular with the sports teams here so I second the vote for black and silver being the official NZ Spartan colors :D

@ FS: Thanks FS :) Shouldn't have to wait too long to see the finished product.

@ SKG: Glad you like the color :) another time that me being too cheap to buy paint has paid off :D I'm still trying to come up with a good looking 'strap' type thing for the shield generator, the books really aren't good for references... another time I could really use a copy of the story bible...

@ SPARTAN II: Thanks, I really appreciate the positive comments :) and hopefully some of this is helping others, even if it's just "what not to do" like getting resin in your hair, that's no fun...

Normally I'm the same when it comes to keeping things cannon, I spent three months building and accurizing my Stormtrooper armor when some other members of my garrison built the same suit in a matter of hours :eek: I can get a little obsessed when it comes to details.

@ fightstar: This certainly is the most bondoing and sanding I've done in a long time, I'd still do another suit right now if I had the money though.

The Spartan certainly is a good way to build the skills needed for the ODST project, I'll do the H3 version first but that H2 ODST armor is pretty cool too... guess that's another costume on my to-do list now.

@ Ronin: Thanks :D

Been really busy trying to get the suit done in time for the Con on the 19th, there's no way that I'd miss the opportunity to get some photos taken with the Weta crew and the Warthog :D
Managed to get the left boot finished over the weekend...
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.. .that thing is massive, I really want to give someone a good kicking with them on when I'm done:lol:
Also, here's a pic with just the toe cap and the seal thing that covers the boot underneath

Rear half of the torso and right bicep:
Almost done with the back for now, just need to smooth a couple of pieces out and add the inserts for the shoulder tower things.

Cod/belt piece:
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I added a few snaps to the front and back sections of the belt (seen in the second and third pics) and I made a fabric piece that keeps the two pieces together... the original fiberglassed pep piece that joined the two would have been way too uncomfortable. I'll try and get some pics of the fabric piece next time I'm using the camera.

Padded right thigh and padded right shin:
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I think I should have all the fabrication done by tomorrow night or Thursday morning at the latest, it's basically just a matter of sanding all the bondo and filling a few small holes... the end is near, then the hard part starts...

Will have some more pics up in the next couple of days as I finish things up.
Hey Belakor,

I also have a Con coming up on the 19th and I am definately trying my best to get mine done in time...lets see about 2 weeks of hard work but I am no way close to finish as you are! I still gots my thighs and boots to finish up. Tomorrow I will try to update my thread as well with some progress!

Keep up the great work buddy!!

***The Force is strong with this one
NZ-TK said:
Im loving the black and silver. I'm thinking it makes a good colour scheme for NZ spartans. I vote we make it the official 405th NZ squad colour.
I third that motion. I think that makes it official. Not that it is official, or is it?
Anyway, Loving the Recon. It's looking IN-CREAD-A-BLE.
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