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im am going to advise everyone who is going go use bondo on their armour to wear an asbestos face mask, when i bondo'd my helmet it took a day of sanding, the dust from the bondo, i was breathing it in, somehow it collected in my nose? and i have been blowing white snobs for the past few days........ just a caution ;-)
Dude, you can't blame us for you not following the safety precautions on the package...

Yeah, that happens if you don't wear a respirator... I have warned people many a time about this... Safety is an issue... don't breathe any kind of dust.... it will sit in your lungs for the rest of your life... theres no lung replacement program...

Sorry Smilie... please, don't rush into this.. Read all precautions and do lots of research before you start inhaling dust and fumes!
Yes. But they are going to be able to print lungs in 2057, according to Discovery Channel. :)
if you really want to see different kolors try spray paint......well use a mask so you will not hurt your lungs
link4044 said:
if you really want to see different colors try spray paint......well use a mask so you will not hurt your lungs
yeah. go to a mall and pull out an orange piece of snot and yell "look everybody! Orange snot!"
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Sean Bradley said:
Dude, you can't blame us for you not following the safety precautions on the package...

Yeah, that happens if you don't wear a respirator... I have warned people many a time about this... Safety is an issue... don't breathe any kind of dust.... it will sit in your lungs for the rest of your life... theres no lung replacement program...

Sorry Smilie... please, don't rush into this.. Read all precautions and do lots of research before you start inhaling dust and fumes!

holy cow! i could be affected for ythe rest of my life!?!?!? wats the symptoms! i already have athsma and im to young to die! :shock:
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We won't be bothered to help you if you can't be bothered to read the advice that we're giving you.... READ these forums... don't just keep posting questions that have already been answered.

If you have Asthma... you are the biggest knucklehead in the world for doing this without the correct safety equipment. GET A RESPIRATOR!

And no, this isn't your soap opera drama moment.... you aren't going to die.... it just isn't good for you. If say you did this every day for the next 10 years.... then you might get teh cancer....

Did you read those links I hunted down for you AT ALL???

Sean Bradley wrote:

This material is not for beginners. It is a hazardous chemical, and can cause skin irritation, chemical burns, dizziness, nausea, nervous system damage and other fun stuff if it is not handled EXACTLY as the directions indicate, which means that you will need a Respirator mask (one of the expensive ones that filters out the fumes), plastic gloves, eye protection. Adequate ventilation is an absolute MUST for this, and if possible it should be done outside.


Poyester resin in it's uncured form is a hazardous material in it's liquid form as it gives off fumes that are harmful to the respiratory system and is a skin irritant. Adequate ventilation and the used of a vapor rated OSHA respirator are a MUST for workign with this material.


YES. Get a respirator. You can't be too careful when dealing with your health, and this is really toxic stuff. This is why so many people avoid fiberglass and resin.


Sanding it with a average paper dust mask... um sure, if you like inhaling toxic dust! Those masks let a lot of particulate matter into your airways because they aren't form fitting. They're better than nothing I suppose, but you should really get a proper respirator is you're going to be doing a long-term project like this.

Thats it from me here.... I'm out of patience with this thread... good luck.
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holy crap im going to die!!!!! (sry sean) i understand now i should have been more precautious, but well........im a kid and kids can do anything they like without dying (or so we think), i was sanding in an open space and i really should have been more precautios, im truly sorry for abusing this forum :$ops:
well there is a posotive side to this....i dont think death is on this case and i believe it has increased awarness about safetey ;-)
Thats fine. Just take your time, read ALL warning labels on the products that your are using, and do adequate research here before you leap into these materials.

And agian... because your snot is white doesn't mean that you are going to die. LOL
LastSpartan said:

So if you are gonna die, can you give me your helmet?

Or can I see pics?

yeah no problem, but youl have to pay fir shipping :mrgreen:
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I don't know much about this subject but I'm venturing to say no. You need some pretty adequate ventilation to vent that crap from getting in your lungs.
malcomtidus said:
I don't know much about this subject but I'm venturing to say no. You need some pretty adequate ventilation to vent that crap from getting in your lungs.
Ill just use fans to blow it away
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