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Hmmm, you used different file than I. Mines is from the old WETA build from a year ago. Just a different unfold I guess. Though that one seems a bit familiar.
red coloring on black armor, not very stealthy, but keeping the original design in the beginning = awesome
The Stig said:
New dremel I ordered.

Stupid thing didn't even turn on. The switch was broken upon arrival. In the end I had to take it apart and use Tin Foil to connect the pins so the switch isn't in use. If the dremel is plugged in the wall, It starts moving. Stupid thing.

Also, Resined whole of shin now.

wow thank sucks about the dremel but hopfully it will work with the foil fix
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The Stig said:
I'm planning to go to this years MCM expo in October.

And don't you worry I'll be there too :p

The only reason I prefer October is it's colder. Being wrapped in a suit in May isn't the nicest thing ever.

Im going in october too, but this is my first time so im just going in casual clothes :p

Thats what Im worried about next may :( I think me and dutch (well the guy im going with is going as dutch, so im calling him dutch :p) will be investing in some thermal sports clothes to keep us cool. I here there are afew spartans going in october too.

You going in your odst this octber? :S

Bad luck on your rondo and dremel man, id complain about that to who you bought it from.
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Looking good, Those black and red colors are what I was going to do on my MC armor. But im going with stripes instead of tribal.
Hey Stig, your armor is looked pretty good from the pics. Sucks arse about the rondo and the dremel drill though. Really awesome designs for the armor! Can't wait to see it done.

Kickass paintjob + aweesomee progress = Stig's WIP

Hahaa, best designs I've ever seen!

My daaaays youu've got all this done so quick, I'm fallin behind now hahaa!

Keep it up, its looks sooo good :]
Looking good Stig! The shins are difficult to get the scaling right on, I'll tell ya that. But really, at the size they are now, they still look good. The kneepad just ends up being ON the knee, instead of slightly above it.
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