Colonial Regiment - Introduce Yourself

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Hey there colonial! Since our introduction page is soooooo old. Let's kick the dust off and re-introduce ourselves to one another.

Name: Mike Harrison
Nickname (optional): Harri
Age: 32
Location: Bath, NY
Occupation: Quality Department (This covers all that I do)
About me: Well not much to say. If you know me I'm a father of 4 girls, save me, and I work in quality control. So as for me in the 405th I joined in 2013, before Benton, after stalking the forums for about two to three years. I went to my first con in 2015 as a BDU dressed ODST and after mad my push to make my MK.1 Odst armor and then finally went to a con in 2016 at Twin-Tiers Comic-Con and in 2017 met most of our active faces. My current goals now are to make a Tier 3 ODST and make a Halo Reach Spartan Armor. After that, I've been active in the regiment and the group. In 2020 I became the RMO and still am for now, which I am very happy I am and able to assist every one of you.
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Name: Sam Cohen
Code Names: Dirtdives,
AKA: Sir Dirt, That Dirt Guy, DirtDad, Father of the Dirt Babies......notice the pattern......
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Age: Digits don't go that high so don't ask.......seriously........its past 1/2 century ok?..... so just let it go......ALRIGHT!!!! I'll be 52 next shut up you young whipper snappers!!! And get off my lawn!!!
Occupation: Professional Handyman and Home Inspector (working on that last one)
Suits: I have a completed Centurion for myself, one Halo Kitty ODSK (Orbital Drop Shock Kitty) for one of my daughters,and I'm in the middle of 3 others.....1 Emile for my son ( had to change the size 4 times since I started....he went from 4' 6" to 6'5" almost overnight!!!), a Caboose for another daughter (she is all over the place when it comes to cosplay so no rush on this one, no thread on this one) and a full Peped Argus for my next suit!! Should be done by next year.....Want this to be the best suit I ever built!!!
Forum Job: As the title indicates, I'm the Divisions Scheduler and Keeper of the Cons list...... which means when I'm doing my job, our fearless leader know who to launch the deadly "wet noodle" missile at and where you can go to show off your suit at the next local Con.....or if you travel....the next Con on you wish list........(Dragon Con for me!!)
Hobbies: I used to skydive (hence the Dirtdives reference) but now I keep things closer to the ground or as far as my tallest ladder will allow, lots of Xbox fortnight (too much according to the wife), woodworking, handiwork......I know its my new profession but the second I don't like turns into a job......I like handiwork too much to insult it by saying it a job, and building cosplay suits and outfits for my kids. They are at the point they don't need me till something breaks or they need to buy something.....typical......teens.....
Name: Jaku
Nicknames: I don't really have any but I'm open to new ones.
Location(s): Gaithersburg MD, but Ill be up in Detroit MI for school next year (I know I'm betraying the regiment).
Age: I'll be 18 in June.
Occupation: student, next year I'll be studying transportation design.
Suits: I have a combination of things spartan suit, a DFT H3 marine suit, and a Reach build ongoing.
Hobbies: Drawing/Painting, models and Warhammer (when my budget allows), sculpting, working on cars, and of course cosplay.
Name: Josh
Nicknames: Nye Mechworks, GMer56
Locations: Northern Vermont
Age: Old enough to remember when regiments were proposed
Occupation: Accounting Technician
Suits: 11 foot mech, Functioning power armor (WIP), 4 Arm extension backpacks (like skeletonics), 1 1/2 pairs of stilts
Hobbies: Building mecha in the backyard, 3d modeling, fixing my 20-year-old van.
Name: Rick Castro
Age: 32
Location: Baltimore, MD.
Occupation: Firefighter - EMT
Suits: Fully complete Halo 3 and halo 5 suit and a halo reach Spartan suit.
Hobbies: cosplay, retro game collecting, comics and anything relating to the 90’s!
Name: Benton Samec
Age: 32
Location: Erie, PA
Occupation: Flooring Installer
Suits: Oh boy uhhhhh. Halo 3, Reach, Halo 4, another Reach, another Reach, another Halo 3, another Reach, and another Reach......... Oh and the Ghost,.......and then the Ghost again. And then like 5 other full armor suits that aren't Halo related.
Hobbies: Cosplay (of course), Going to auctions or yard sales, playing Rock Band, collecting weaponry (real or fake), and video editing.

About Me: Yes, I did join the 405th after Harri51 in 2013, but I did have 2 full suits done before him, so.... :p. I kinda stumbled into costume and prop making scene after tinkering around making some gifts for a few friends. I've always like being a sort of inventor, messing with things or materials to see what I could create with them, and discovering Pepakura one day really opened up the flood gates on that reality.

So with that discovery, and my love of Halo, I smacked the two things together and ended up here. I started in Pepakura with Resin and Bondo, but have now switched over to making everything primarily in EVA foam. I also work with wood, metal, electronics, motors, moving parts, random junk, basically everything but the kitchen sink (Though I have heard you can make a pretty cool fire forge out of maybe.....) Long story short, I love building things. The more complicated or impossible, the more fun I have with it. And I'll probably be doing this sort of stuff well into my 80's, so I don't expect to stop any times soon ;)
Name: Benton Samec
Age: 32
Location: Erie, PA
Occupation: Flooring Installer
Suits: Oh boy uhhhhh. Halo 3, Reach, Halo 4, another Reach, another Reach, another Halo 3, another Reach, and another Reach......... Oh and the Ghost,.......and then the Ghost again. And then like 5 other full armor suits that aren't Halo related.
Hobbies: Cosplay (of course), Going to auctions or yard sales, playing Rock Band, collecting weaponry (real or fake), and video editing.

About Me: Yes, I did join the 405th after Harri51 in 2013, but I did have 2 full suits done before him, so.... :p. I kinda stumbled into costume and prop making scene after tinkering around making some gifts for a few friends. I've always like being a sort of inventor, messing with things or materials to see what I could create with them, and discovering Pepakura one day really opened up the flood gates on that reality.

So with that discovery, and my love of Halo, I smacked the two things together and ended up here. I started in Pepakura with Resin and Bondo, but have now switched over to making everything primarily in EVA foam. I also work with wood, metal, electronics, motors, moving parts, random junk, basically everything but the kitchen sink (Though I have heard you can make a pretty cool fire forge out of maybe.....) Long story short, I love building things. The more complicated or impossible, the more fun I have with it. And I'll probably be doing this sort of stuff well into my 80's, so I don't expect to stop any times soon ;)
Rude! not my fault I have other things to deal with...... But our mad scientist and mega builder folks
My name is Richard. 38 years old. Husband, father of two boys, and live in Johnstown, Pa.
I work at the local hospital in the Operating Room as an Operation Room Technician. My hobbies are making stuff out of tires, playing Halo, reading Halo, currently making a Cardboard Ghost, and living life with my family. My boys are into Halo as well andy wife thinks the conversations we have online are hilarious. My gamertag is: TheDarkSpartan
Anything else you'd like to know, just ask. Biggest pet peve is people not realizing others have opinions too that might not line up with there's. We're all HUMAN and at the end of the day that's all that matters.
My name is Richard. 38 years old. Husband, father of two boys, and live in Johnstown, Pa.
I work at the local hospital in the Operating Room as an Operation Room Technician. My hobbies are making stuff out of tires, playing Halo, reading Halo, currently making a Cardboard Ghost, and living life with my family. My boys are into Halo as well andy wife thinks the conversations we have online are hilarious. My gamertag is: TheDarkSpartan
Anything else you'd like to know, just ask. Biggest pet peve is people not realizing others have opinions too that might not line up with there's. We're all HUMAN and at the end of the day that's all that matters.
Welcome to the group TheDarkSpartan.
Name: Joey
Age: 13
Location: PA
Suits: I made a crappy Halo 3 Hayabusa suit for Halloween this year
Hobbies: gaming, doodling, making Halo costumes
Other: My gamertag is : MerdeClassic, my user name on the discord is Jou#7202. I found this website when searching for pepakura file for my Halloween costume.
Welcome to the 405th, never call your work crap. Instead call it your introduction piece. We will be doing fun things as a group soon as covid restrictions let up. We all look forward to seeing your builds and their progress. Know to troop with us you will have to have a parent or guardian present. Other than that welcome and be sure to say hello to our membership officer Harri51
Name: James H (Uniden)
Age: 29
Location: Eastern MD/basically delaware
Occupation: Retail/Firefighter
Suits: Just an odst im continously tinkering with
Hobbies: skatboarding, cosplay, gaming, woodworking, paleontology, legos, fishing all kinds of stuff
Totally didnt even realize that I'd been accepted into Colonial, but hot damn! It's good to be here.

Name: Tim Boris
Nickname (optional): Vale
Age: 28
Location: Havre de Grace, MD
Occupation: Logistics Loss Prevention Investigator for Sephora
About me: I usually hate talking about myself, but I'll give it my best shot. I'm a generally laid back and easy going least I think I'm human most of the time. I've got a dark sense of humor and a love for music, food, and video games. The Halo series has always had a special place within my gaming identity and has been my favorite game series since we first jumped off the Pillar of Autumn and landed lifepod first onto Installation 04. I've currently got one cosplay in progress which is a Halo 3 UNSC Marine, but I've got a few other ideas floating around.

I'm eager to get out to more cons in the near future and expand my cosplaying abilities. This is the first time since 6 years ago that I've had the itch to get back into cosplaying Halo. My first suit was a Rubies Deluxe Master Chief costume that fell apart the first day I wore it...and that really crushed my confidence in cosplaying, but I'm ready to get back out there and meet some of the wonderful members of this community!

When I'm not working or otherwise busy, I do enjoy cooking and getting out to travel and explore places around the bordering states. So please feel free to reach out and say hello!
Hey everyone. Guess I’m pretty late to the party on this one! This one snuck by me :rolleyes: Not as active as Id like to be on the forums and too old and slow to get the the hang of the discord thing. So for the reintroduction.
Name: Dustin Costigan
Xbox GamerTag: DC240sx
Location: Winslow, Maine
Occupation: Aircraft Mechanic
Suits: EVA foam H3 Masterchief (first build, room for improvement). Built 2 3d printed H4 snack size Spartan suits for the kids. They out grew them before I even really finished them. Current build is 3d printed H3 chief (on hiatus atm). Also picked up a free electric scooter I managed to get working. Might have to “attempt” one of those fancy ghost thingies like Benton188 !
Hobbies: Building costumes,warning new things, 3D printing, gaming, cars, planes, attempting youtube films and film editing. Too many interests and not enough time and energy! If anyone’s interested I have a few shorts vids of my builds on my YouTube CostiganCreations

Thank you 405th for being a great community. Hoping I can find time to be a little more involved this year!
Hey there colonial! Since our introduction page is soooooo old. Let's kick the dust off and re-introduce ourselves to one another.

Name: Mike Harrison
Nickname (optional): Harri
Age: 32
Location: Bath, NY
Occupation: Quality Department (This covers all that I do)
About me: Well not much to say. If you know me I'm a father of 4 girls, save me, and I work in quality control. So as for me in the 405th I joined in 2013, before Benton, after stalking the forums for about two to three years. I went to my first con in 2015 as a BDU dressed ODST and after mad my push to make my MK.1 Odst armor and then finally went to a con in 2016 at Twin-Tiers Comic-Con and in 2017 met most of our active faces. My current goals now are to make a Tier 3 ODST and make a Halo Reach Spartan Armor. After that, I've been active in the regiment and the group. In 2020 I became the RMO and still am for now, which I am very happy I am and able to assist every one of you.
Name: John
Call tag : Delta
Age : 45
Location : NJ
Occupation : Federal
About me: Love to 3d print and create cosplay. Looking to make new friends!!!
Just noticed a "newer" Introduce yourself area. So here it is. LOL

Figured I'd post here now that I am a resident of Pennsylvania. Gotta ask: How do I get my regiment changed on my 405th profile?

Pic attached was latest of my armor from Twin Cities Comic Con last year.
State College, PA
Radio Meteorologist, Accuweather HQ
Age: 29
Favorite Hobby: Flying my DJI Mavic 2 air drone. Wearing my armor to events.
Favorite part of Halo: Is it okay to say everything? If I had to pick one, it's the community including the cosplaying/armoring community.
Favorite Halo: Hmmmm Halo 3 I would say. Close second is Reach.
Favorite Video Game: Halo and Diablo 2 Resurrected are favs. Others I play include: Fallout series, Racing games, Call of Duty.
Other Interests: Bowling, Pickleball, Tennis, camping, hiking, swimming.
Favorite Food: Lasagna, 100%. Close second would be Jucy Lucy.
Favorite Band: Too many. If I have to pick one: Hootie and the Blowfish. Top 5 after Hootie: Collective Soul, Train, Matchbox 20, Maroon 5 (more specific Adam Levine), Phil Collins.
Favorite Movie(s): The Nightmare before Christmas. Know almost every song.
What do you hope to learn here?: I don't know if learning how to make armor is my goal. I just love to wear it and become my favorite Spartan from various Halos.
Have you built/made a costume before?: Never built nor made. Have one that was made for someone else, he gave it to me and I adjusted and fixed it up for me to use.
Do you belong to any other costume communities? None. Looking into 501st.
Other: Ask and you shall find out. I am an open book. All you have to do: is ask. :)


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