Conclusion Of Last Year Halloween Issue

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If you remember my thread about last year "My Noob Tale" where my suit was stolen just before Halloween, I have an update, I just have been busy and unable to post.

The armor was found, however, completely destroyed.

It HAD been painted and "finished" to an extent (although, very far from my standards) and apparently worn to a party (the smell of beer and remains of Nachos were found in some of the detailed parts)

The armor had been smashed up and thrown into some garbage bags and left in a field (apparently where the party/bonfire had happened)

I didn't get any pictures or anything because I didn't have a working camera at the time, I was strolling with some friends who had gone to the party and after I mentioned my armor they noted they had seen "a dude wearing something similar" so we went to the party spot and it was just layin there in the bags.

If your wondering how I could ID it - I could only judge by my old pictures and memories. I guess there is a small chance there was someone else in the area working on the similar suit with similar measurements then myself, the armor did indeed look as if it "could" fit me, if it weren't so beat up. I think I am going to add "Maker's Marks" to my future work for Identification purposes.

It's quite saddening even now to think about what happened but at least it was found. I didn't bother trying to recover anything because frankly it's too risky with all the disease and such out there, I wore gloves like it were a crime scene investigation - after all I didn't know where my armor had been, or who with.

Not to mention repairs on such a broken suit would require nearly a full reconstruction anyway, it looks as if it literally was just trampled on.

At least the armor went out having fun. I couldn't ask for anything more really. Beer and other alcohols were found all over at the party, and very few don't like Nachos.

Just thought I should let everyone know that was interested, especially those that supported me during the creation thread of the suit.

Trying to plan what to work on now, a replacement suit, or something fresh...
Bro, I'm so sorry that happened, that sucks. I cant imagine, all that work and time them someone steals it. No sense of integrity these day. :(
darn that really does suck : (

but out of curiousity, how did they get a hold of it? :S and what kind of armor was it?

I wouldn't know what I would do if someone destoryed my creation like that.
MikyVengeance said:
darn that really does suck : (

but out of curiousity, how did they get a hold of it? :S and what kind of armor was it?

I wouldn't know what I would do if someone destoryed my creation like that.

I'd love to know too, kinda sucks that this kind of thing happens at all :( bunch of no good hooligans I bet.
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Oh man. I would DIE if someone stole my armor. I think I would cry...........all that time spent, all that money would kill me! D:

But hey, look on the bright side, you already said that the suit was finished far from your standards so now you get a chance to make it better now and go all out on it. :) Fresh beginnings. :p
If you destroy someones armor, and then burn it after getting filled with alcohol and nachos.....


Sorry to hear about that, and like HaloGoddess said, later you can make a better one and put a bomb in it so If somebody steals it..... !!BOOM!! JK :p

maybwe one of those chips they put on dog collars :D
why stop at the chip? put the dog collar in there too so if someone takes it, you just gotta push the button and ZAP! That'll teach 'em to steal someones armor with the pretty shiny necklace on it. Sorry to hear about your armor. I can't say I've had my armor stolen, but my wallet, that I have had stolen. (what a crummy two weeks that vacation was!) So I can sympathize with you somewhat. I know the feeling of "If i just knew who did it, and where to find 'em,..." Best not to finish that one out. Tryin to keep it family-friendly here. But there can be a silver lining, I'm living proof. If my wallet hadn't been stolen, I wouldn't have met my girlfriend, who forced me to let her buy souvenirs for me. (what a gal, huh?) Now you have a chance to build a new suit exactly the way you want it, and you still have the experience gained from the first suit that you can use to make version 2 all the better.
I think by saying "that sucks" after everyone else would lose it's value, but that sucks. Hard. I'd almost wish I'd never found the armour afterwards.

Sorry for delays and all, had Net problems. (actually net works fine.. WHEN you pay for it.. lol)

Actually just you guys commenting, and the 405th being there as a whole (even those that don't know me, don't know this happened and all that) just people working on their own projects has kept my spirits high and my interest in this to start again. oh and it was MK VI for those wondering.

But first I am making an Iron Man Helmet for a buddy of mine, his b-day is coming and he loves Iron Man.

Not much to do now, I've pretty much put it behind me, armors gone one way or another, all I have is the helmet with it's wonky visor - which will forever make me think it's trying to say "Say Whaat?" But I love it that way, I won't be "fixing" it.

Finally getting some room and time to work on this, although "life stress" is gonna bring me down a bit later (job, money, living, blah!)

The only thing I really want to say is...

If your working in your garage or other access point, and you leave, even for just "a few minutes" or "just down the street" please, PLEASE, close your doors and lock up.

I mentioned in the main thread how it happened (I think..) but as a re-cap we have a auto door on our garage, and a outdoor number pad with "down" button to close the door. Sadly it does not require the key to be entered to just hit down - and if you put something in the doorway and block the sensor..say.. your foot.... and hit the "down" pad, it will go UP to prevent accidents/damage/etc. I literally re-did this myself after thinking for hours "how did they get it" Stuck my foot in and hit the button, sure enough the door jerked down about 1 inch then sensed my foot and went right back up - all the way - easy access. Since the door was found "down all the way" when i got back, they just hit the "down" arrow and left it as/is.

Live and learn..then get locks...lots of locks.... and use them.... locks.... go buy locks today!

But on a serious note:

I won't be Resing the next armor all at once, but in small groups or 1 part at a time. (to allow space, proper work, not rushing, and in case of theft attempts)

I have thought of another way to harden at least the insides to be quicker, and less costly/messy. (liquid plastics type) this should cut the time and all that the parts would normally require to harden.

Anyway, just wanna say you folks at the 405th are great, although the site seems to have fallen into a bit of a mess for finding stuff..
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