a crying shame that i missed this mag. might have been worth a read of the article. i think the elites do look badarse, and i know i'm gonna be shot down for saying it, but i like cortana looking just that little bit older. she kinda looked late teeny in the original release back when i was 21, and has changed vastly since then in every iteration of the halo games. now 10 years on i like that she's aged with me. ironically, she's the only one that technically shouldn't be aging...
I agree about Cortana. As she's integrating more and more data (into herself) she ought to become more and more realistic. The new Cortana looks sexy, just a little cute, and I can't wait to hear some of her sassy remarks. I also love the hair, but I can understand how it would bother some people.
On a side note, they ruined recon again.....ah well.