Couple of Small Pics of me on launch

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Adam said:

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smilie120 said:
Haha nice work adam you should have killed mario and teabagged him lol
I dont want Adam to kill me...that would hurt!
(about a week before halo3 launch)
(more in the austin launch pictures)
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pepboy said:
say, why are you're boots so light? jw

the boots are painted to look dirty. if you look at a full shot of his suit, youll see that it blends perfectly. it also looks just like Chief in cutscene footage.
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mmm your armor doesnt leave much room for improvement.. at all, and bluerealms is gonna be better? I honestly can't immagine how (outa be fun to see)... that looks strait out of a movie. Wonder if peter jackson is gonna be harrasing you sooner or later and tryng to borrow your suit
Adam i would kill a man for your suit. God i want it. Those are great pics you took im sure the people in the pictures with you were happy to get in pictures with an awesome suit like that.
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