Dmr- Wip

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Nice work dude, I'm really impressed
Although I'm a complete n00b and have no idea what I'm doing, XD
that looks really really good
Again nice work
That DMR is down right there anything else you can do to it now besides turning it into a functional weapon?

insane! btw, how did you do the texture on the lower receiver?

I used this textured spray and than I put a coat of flat black over that.

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That doesn't look like a peice of wood. You have a gun. We all know you do, so don't try to hide it. You have a real Dmr... Anyways, great job. I really wish I could do that!
Hey L05T V1K1N6 I did a funny little recording about your DMR! If you want me to email it to you I can! (it includes nathan explosion, pickles the drummer, toki, skwisggar, murderface, charles, knubbler... at least my impressions of them.)
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