DON'T PANIC! Changes to the Forum

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Commanding Officer
Community Staff
Division Staff
We're in the process of cleaning up the forum a little so we're combining areas in the costuming section to make things flow better. Separation makes for nice organization, but it doesn't lend well to how people read the forums so some of our areas have little traffic. We'll be adding in the ability to add tags to threads to help people find what they are looking for and over time we'll take care of doing that for the older threads.

Some of you will love it. Others are going to think it's the worst thing in the entire world. I get it, people hate change. I'm just asking that you all give it a go for awhile and then we can revisit how it's working. If it turns out really to be the worst thing, we'll fix it up. Okay?

Oh wait....I like the change.......ok:


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