Extra Life 2023 - Canada Cares


Graphics Assistant and RMO
405th Regiment Officer
Community Staff
It’s that time of year again Canuckle-Heads. Time to play games! But not just regular games, these games are for kids! Horrible explanation let’s try this again.

1) The 405th is participating in Extra Life and you can too! Keep reading below to see all the different ways!

2) Anyone fundraising

We are going to be running a social media campaign to highlight those fundraising and the incentives they are offering! Reach out to me (ZiggyGrimm) to get in on that action.

3) 405th Official Stream

The 405th Twitch channel is holding an annual 25 hour stream, there will be limited slots available for member participation and official announcements will be coming out surrounding that. Stay tuned to the forums.

4) Unofficial Stream(s)

If you aren’t part of the official stream due to limited slots, that is OK! We are looking to find ways to keep folks participating.

4a) If there is enough interest in a Canadian Stream we could in theory try to do one of those. This will take some planning, so contact me (ZiggyGrimm) and we’ll see what we can coordinate. If that doesn’t work out…

4b) Individual Streaming

If you stream individually or in small teams on your personal channels. Still contact me (ZiggyGrimm) to let me know you’ll be streaming, maybe we can coordinate raids to the main stream or even collabs between members or something.

5) I don’t want to stream but still want to be involved/ fundraise

Even if you don’t want to stream you can still fundraise! Any and all help is appreciated. If that interests you… this may come as a shock, but you can contact me (ZiggyGrimm) and we’ll get you set up to help in any way you are comfortable to help.
6) you can donate prizes! (correct me if I'm wrong ZiggyGrimm )

During the stream, viewers (including you) have a chance to win prizes and those all come from donations from our members and are typically handcrafted Halo props. Contact Ziggy if you want to clear up some closet space and send us some props!
6) you can donate prizes! (correct me if I'm wrong ZiggyGrimm )

During the stream, viewers (including you) have a chance to win prizes and those all come from donations from our members and are typically handcrafted Halo props. Contact Ziggy if you want to clear up some closet space and send us some props!
You sure can! We will be doing giveaways on the official 405th live stream.

Participants can also do giveaways as incentives (donate $20, get a sticker type deal) and as milestones (when your donations on your page surpass X amount a raffle for a prop for anyone who donated kicks in).

There are honestly tons of ways to get involved.
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