First build planning (Rakshasa)

Captain Void

New Member
Well, I've wanted to do this for years and now I'm finally giving myself the push to do it.

My first full build is gonna be the Rakshasa core, using the Artaius helmet.
Gonna be going for a ranger type of look, thinking of using the Bandit or S7 sniper but not fully sure yet.

I also really want to try and push myself to get as much accuracy as possible, I've been studying models and planning materials for a little bit now so I think I have a general idea of how I'm gonna do it

Planning on 3d printing the whole suit and helmet, I'm also going to try my best at making the full undersuit myself. Starting this weekend I will be picking up supplies and tracking my progress, I haven't gotten a 3d printer yet but I will be very soon, so I will be starting by making the boots, boot covers, and possibly the undersuit depending on how long the printer takes to ship. Very excited to get started and I'll do my best to share all the details here!


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Titlewave Designs has a nice (paid) file set that I'll be using for my build. He's on Etsy and Cults3D. I believe he has both the helmet and armor
Titlewave Designs has a nice (paid) file set that I'll be using for my build. He's on Etsy and Cults3D. I believe he has both the helmet and armor
Yeah so I actually plan on using his files for the helmet, and I'm thinking of using the files from Aguilar Workshop for the armor, I love the way he makes things modular
As I've been studying the boots more, I think I have a pretty solid plan for how I'm gonna build them

I'm thinking for the base, I'll try using a Chelsea boot to make them easier to slide on, preferably a platform boot for the slight height boost.

I found these on Amazon and they seem okay but I might check some local stores to see other options first

My plan is to get some faux leather or vinyl of some sort and make a pattern to wrap the boot entirely, then, I'll use EVA foam to sculpt the details of the soft parts under the armor, like the ribbed bits on the upper heel, and all the curves and such on the ankles. Them I'll wrap the EVA in the same faux leather material and stick it on there with contact cement

Also I'm really not used to forums like this, especially on mobile so sorry for any strange formatting and stuff with the posts


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He has a bunch of different attachments and stuff for it too, its a pretty neat setup
I remember seeing those. Less expensive for the armor and I think the attachments are free on Thingiverse too

As I've been studying the boots more, I think I have a pretty solid plan for how I'm gonna build them

I'm thinking for the base, I'll try using a Chelsea boot to make them easier to slide on, preferably a platform boot for the slight height boost.

I found these on Amazon and they seem okay but I might check some local stores to see other options first
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My plan is to get some faux leather or vinyl of some sort and make a pattern to wrap the boot entirely, then, I'll use EVA foam to sculpt the details of the soft parts under the armor, like the ribbed bits on the upper heel, and all the curves and such on the ankles. Them I'll wrap the EVA in the same faux leather material and stick it on there with contact cement

Also I'm really not used to forums like this, especially on mobile so sorry for any strange formatting and stuff with the posts
I've got a pair of Blauer Rift 6 inch's I'll use for mine. Gotta make sure my footsies can breathe XD
If you want a cheaper, simple boot, Response Gear has some good options. $40 at Big 5. Not the most comfortable, but they lasted me a year to year and a half after constant use with a fire department so they'll last you a bit
I remember seeing those. Less expensive for the armor and I think the attachments are free on Thingiverse too

I've got a pair of Blauer Rift 6 inch's I'll use for mine. Gotta make sure my footsies can breathe XD
Oh maybe I'll look into those too, though I didn't want to go too tall either, I really want to maintain the accuracy of the design
They're a tactical boot not a platform so height shouldn't be an issue. I use them now as my fire service boot. Not the cheapest at $154 USD, but they're worth it for the support in the insole and the breathability. Plus they zip on and off on the sides so you could probably leave your armor on there full time
They're a tactical boot not a platform so height shouldn't be an issue. I use them now as my fire service boot. Not the cheapest at $154 USD, but they're worth it for the support in the insole and the breathability. Plus they zip on and off on the sides so you could probably leave your armor on there full time
Those ones look awesome, though I'm not sure I can justify destroying boots that expensive
Yeah It definitely depends how you're going to attach everything. I myself am probably going to do what Aguilar did in his example set and just web it up with nylon straps since it'll fit in with the Rakshasa core's look anyway
Yeah It definitely depends how you're going to attach everything. I myself am probably going to do what Aguilar did in his example set and just web it up with nylon straps since it'll fit in with the Rakshasa core's look anyway
Yeah I was originally going to do it that way but I noticed just how much of the actual boot is exposed, so I plan on actually building upon whichever base I choose to replicate the boot that's under the armor. Definitely going to be a very permanent change, lots of glue, some sewing, etc... Honestly its so unnecessary but I really just want to push myself and try to aim for as accurate as possible as I can

Its also just a fun opportunity to learn new techniques

I will still be using nylon straps but I think I'm going to wrap any exposed nylon straps in the faux leather as well, since in my references they kinda have that look.
Small Update: 3D Printer has been ordered, so for now Im gonna hold off on working on anything, I realized itd be best to have the physical boot armor parts for measurements before I start altering the base boots
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