ColonelPanic's Rakshasa/Mk V [B] Build


Jr Member
Well No pictures at the moment, but I'm working on exactly what the title says; a hybrid rakshasa and MK V B kit. I received the first part last week in the form of a high quality, custom MK V B helmet from Vegvizir on etsy, though a lot of work still needs to be done on my end for colors, the visor, and potentially adding some front facing led lighting in addition to the creation and attachment of any, well, attachments I intend to put on.

As for the armor, I'm having a difficult time locating a quality set of rakshasa armor, though I have found 3d files that I could pay for and print. If only I had a 3d Printer large enough *sigh*. No matter, there are ways around all that. With that said, the big decision I'm being forced to make is what color pallet I will use for the whole deal.

This is where I do have a couple questions for the community as not only a new member to the 405th, but also to costuming as a whole. The big one I have is color, since while I have a couple Ideas (and while color preferences are subjective), I cannot seem to choose Which one to go with. The color pallets I'm considering are:
A.) A Royal Blue primary with a yellow/gold secondary,
B.) A Splotched green camo look like the Halo Infinite Haunted Rubellite coating,
C.) Something simple like the steel red coating...also from Infinite.

Also, I do prefer to 3d print my stuff instead of using foam, so I'm also looking for material and paint suggestions. I am currently using a BambuLab P1P and will use the BambuLab PLA Tough (unless another suggestion is presented), and will probably paint with a rattle can unless I get called a doughnut and told to use an airbrush.

I'll add pictures of my reference and my helmet once I get home here, but until then, Any input is much appreciated! :)
Oooh I like the sound of Blue and Gold!

I only print my helmets so I can't give too much advice on tips for printing a whole suit, but the little bit of printing I do PLA works nice and I do painting with spray cans
Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking. I'll look into the blue and gold I think, but the final thing I forgot to mention was the Visor. I need to track down a mold for the mk v b visor to vacuum form PC over it. I also need to decide whether to dye it like in the costuming tutorials sub-forum, or use a mirrored window film
I'm really happy with how my mirror-chromed visors come out. If you have an airbrush or at least a compressor i'd recommend dying the visors and spraying the inside with chrome
I'll keep looking. Reason I don't really want to dye it is because I want my vision to be as close to normal as possible so like as little color difference as possible, but, I need to get a setup for the vacuum forming first. You don't really want to use your real oven for plastics

I built this one and it works well for visors and cheap. Also, the window mirror film only works if your visor is a single curve, no compound curves or detailing.

I also think color is extremely subjective. You gotta pick the one you like the most that you also feel confident you can recreate.

I built this one and it works well for visors and cheap. Also, the window mirror film only works if your visor is a single curve, no compound curves or detailing.

I also think color is extremely subjective. You gotta pick the one you like the most that you also feel confident you can recreate.
The window film makes a lot of sense. Never 100% thought about the practicality of application. As for the color, yeah it is indeed subjective in the eyes of the beholder, but I thought it'd be nice to get some input anyway
Forgot to post the helmet and reference yesterday so I grabbed a couple angles of the helm this morning


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Moving slow getting it going, but I came up with this as my top helmet design. Incorporates the Forerunner line sigils to spell my first name and the Ur-Didact symbol flipped upside down


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Alright Finally got these painted;

Wasn't as much work as I was expecting, though in hindsight I wish i had Done my prints differently thanks to a tight, small unpainted spot on the scabbard that shouldn't be too noticeable, but I'm still not thrilled with it. Similarly, that smaller black piece probably just should've been fused to the main scabbard in slicing, but I was just wanting a quick print so my own laziness is at fault (as always :)). However, Putting them together gave this beauty;

The Scabbard bits will be easy enough to attach given all I'd need is glue, but the knife will be a challenge as I want to be able to draw it, but it is too loose fitting in the scabbard. Never the less, The knife itself was nice and easy to paint after making a mini paint booth and hitting it with a couple coats with the rattle can.

Used Rustoleum Bonding Primer, 2X Paint and Primer in aluminum, and the plain satin finish black. Probably will only use the 2X paints, or just shift to using an airbrush setup from here on as the black was slow to dry and is still kinda tacky.
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