Foam padding for inside the armor

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Spase and a whole bunch of other guys say just use motorcycle helmet padding. You can also use a motorcycle visor to make your helmet visor, in the stead of doing it the hard way, which is the way I wanted to do it.... but... whatever...
i just go to the local Joann's or michaels and just buy foam there and get diferant thicknes depending on what i need it for
Pretty much every fabric store has big stacks of foam upholstery sheets somewhere. It's very easy stuff to work with, and comes in a lot of different thicknesses to get those custom fit parts just right. Buy cheap foam, cut into shapes with scissors, attach to armor.
Does anyone use that really soft foam.. I have no idea what its called but I associate it with mouse pad foam. It feels more gooey or rubbery that fabric foam?? Sorry I'm not giving a good description.
I personally am going to give Volara foam a try but it will actually be part of my visible under suit. I know some people use that generic yellow/white foam from fabric stores, like zero said, and cover it with a smooth black fabric.

Does anyone use that really soft foam.. I have no idea what its called but I associate it with mouse pad foam. It feels more gooey or rubbery that fabric foam?? Sorry I'm not giving a good description.

I think you are referring to Neoprene, they make diving wet suits with it.
Does anyone use that really soft foam.. I have no idea what its called but I associate it with mouse pad foam. It feels more gooey or rubbery that fabric foam?? Sorry I'm not giving a good description.

If it's green foam that is VERY soft and mushey, it's open celled foam. It's designed to be used as bed matting and pillow stuff, not safety. It will work for this if you just want to keep your head and body away from fiberglass or resin.
I also do Dagorhir and my friends make weapon tips out of this foam, you have to have a softer foam for certain things and this works awesomely. It's harder than hell to glue on though. If you do use it, I would recommend double sided tape.
I'm really liking the look of the volara, thanks for the identification. I don't know which one is the one I'm thinking of both look really close I'll have to look in to both.
personally, I use bed foam :p
I got it at walmart for $14.
I have left overs, I can spray paint it black to match the inside.
it's pretty amazing stuff : P
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