Forgedreclaimer's Halo Models

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Meleck said:
Send me the new helmet whenever it's ready. We just have to mark the different versions as HD (High definition) and VHD (Very High Definition) or just do the standard and HD versions. I'll release my new version as it's almost done and I think it's definitely good enough for a lot of people.

Send me the rookie helmet as well. I'll see if it's feasible. Hey, you have people out there which are REALLY crazy and may like to have such a high definition model. On the other hand, if no one is going to build it, there is no point in unfolding it as it does take time. Time that I will not have to actually build stuff of my own. So many pep, so little time.

Hey, Reclaimer, did you ever do any other work on the Optican Medpack? If not, do you plan to? If so where are you at? I know someone else had done work on it but I can't for the life of me find the information. And yes I do know about the Search feature.

no work done on the pack, not yet, give me a day or two and i can have the file out there.

even if its too high def i still have a new bald version out of it that looks a lot better as well and it shouldn't be to hard to modify back to another dutch.

dutch doesnt have the work done of his head because as with the rookie it need to be a pattern but i might change that if needed.
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ForgedReclaimer said:
im thinking to change that because it is a major detail that would be hard to replicate with only bondo.

yeah, almost finished with your rookie helmet, using rundowns dutch to transform it to dutch so it will all work. I will either have it with dutch's add ons, 2 buck commpacks and Romeo sniper goggles :)! or just dutch, I'll decide later.
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Interesting I did'nt check the back threads but if you are still looking to get some game shots of the foam canister and Health Pack for ODST let me know and I'll get them this evening.
Nintendude said:
Interesting I did'nt check the back threads but if you are still looking to get some game shots of the foam canister and Health Pack for ODST let me know and I'll get them this evening.

i believe i have enough to get it done, but, if you could take some shots of dares pack instead though, you don't need to i have just been looking forever for good shots of it.
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OK, here is the latest version of my unfold of the Dutch-Rookie Helmet. I think it's a nice version BECAUSE it's not in the game. I'm adding the new version because I am recanting the fact that I wouldn`t have two versions of the Helmet. I made the other one and I don't see why I should take it down. I said the new version was better. I'm not so sure anymore. So I'm leaving you with the choice.

Here is the new unfold for the helmet. I named it Smooth because it has a lot less pieces, a lot less tabs, and not a lot of folds. I still need info on how well this things builds. I plan on making that version even though I like the custom ODST helmet with the lights on top (still not available in pep).


The actual unfold is here. There might be some very minor problems with this model as it doesn`t seem to be symetrical. On some pieces I have a cut on one side without having the same cut on the other side. Reclaimer mentions something about a cut needing to be made on the side but, if I place one where I think it should be, there are no tabs.

P.S.: Yes, I'm listening to a Halo soundtrack on Winamp for those who are wondering.

Errata: Sorry for those who downloaded the unfold. I had uploaded the wrong file. It's now fixed even if the link is the same.
incredible work, truly incredible. would i be able to send you the file for my new version, you wouldn't need to unfold it i just need to know if you think it is a possible pep file. if the ridges are to much i also have it in a bald file but just as good.

love the emblems all over the mesh :D
Yea, sure just send it along. I'll definitely take a look at it.

For the unfolds, what I always keep in mind is that it has to be built by me. So I have to have as fewer pieces as I can and as bigger pieces as I can. It's just murder to have pieces that have 1 or 2 mm wide with tabs or each side or no tabs at all. So I try to integrate these pieces into bigger pieces.

For people who want to improve your unfolding skills. Here are a few pointers:

Build your unfold: I think it's a primordial element. This way you will see what works and what doesn't. It will help you recognize the models that deserve an unfold and what to do for that unfold.

Practice unfolding things that make no sense: Sounds weird but it will also help you hone your skills in indentifying worthy models. Get free object files from TurboSquid and unfold them. You'll realize that low poly isn't necessarily better.

Tabs: It's important to work on the tabs as well. Small tabs don't take glue that well and are hard to place. Tabs that are too long and too large are hard to align as one part of the tab will stick and misalign the rest of the tab. Tabs that overlap distort the build as you add another thickness of cardboard that may warp or misalign your project later on.

Time: Take the time to do the unfold right, you'll thank yourself later. This unfold took me close to 4 hours but this time has to be considered when you are building the piece. A clean unfold means that I will have pleasure building the piece. A messy unfold is likely to end up in the recycle bin.

Thanks for the compliment and I'll keep unfolding the worthy part. I had started on the H2 ODST helmet and I gave it up after my son told me that since I was never going to build it why unfold it. There aren't enough hours in the day to waste time on something you'll never use. I did do some work on the Elite lances. I was thinking of creating one and putting it in my "trophy" room. I'll finish that and post it but don't hold your breath.
Hey, just wondering. If meleck doesn't unfold the new version of the helmet I would be honored to. I'm the guy who Soulless Sin beat to the first one. This time I promise to do a good job, please please please please e-mail it to me. :)

If you don't OK.

ForgedReclaimer said:
Teaser Picture, this is later.

i promise this is the final one, if not im going to stop working on it for good.


noo! lol good work keep it up
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YES!!!! New reach stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its looking great Reclaimer!!! I can hardly wait until this is all wrapped up!!!
Finally a Jun helm! i've been looking forward to someone starting on him for a while.

definitely be keeping a close eye on this thread from now on. looking great so far! keep up the good work! :D
if anyone gets a hold of or can provide Ref for June when they find it that would be great, right now i don't have a hell of a lot to go off of.

I've been hoping for a Jun model! I don't know why, but I have this thing for the snipers LOL

I'll definitely building this after my Romeo ODST

Looking great so far! Keep up the amazing work!
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