Viper 466

Active Member
Member DIN
Good afternoon all, we are a little less than a month out from Game Con and will be looking at some change ups.

For access to convention badges going forward all volunteers will need to contribute 15$ for passes. Either cash or E-transfer. This is to recoup the cost of fuel, and booth item transportation to and from the hosting city. Money will be divided among members who will have extra costs either from trailers, u-haul/rentals, or fuel expenditures.

We are also breaking down the booth into dedicated jobs. If you're on the info desk we ask that you remain at the desk and don't float between the cosplay/photo area, or the entry/exit location and handle props. With more hands we can break things down into shorter shifts and try to be more focused to prevent from having to pull double duty. I have signed up for back to back times but please do not feel obligated to do this as well. Further, if you're not on shift and you aren't relieving someone please do not remain at the booth. We have the 20x20 space but as we saw at Calgary Expo once you have all positions filled space still remains a premium. If you want to return early please tag out.

Be on site 15 minutes early if you are suiting up in cosplay.

We are initializing themed times as well. Dedicated slots for Noble Team, all Marines or ODST's, Cortana/Chief, that kind of deal so we can try to encourage folks to return to the booth or allow folks to see and talk with certain makers about certain suits. I have kept my name off Saturday during peak hours so those slots can be occupied first by Noble and Chief.

The sign up sheet is live HERE

Please put your name under the confirmed Volunteer section so that we can tabulate how many badges we will require.

Currently GCC has given Fangs more info so I will consult with her about set up and tear down times/expectations for the local and will update as we go.

For any other inquiries please don't hesitate to hit me up!
Yess! Looking forward to this c: ive marked some slots but can be available for more if needed! Only thing is i am participating in the cosplay contest but idk what time slot theyve given me. Ill keep you updated tho!
Hello all! I'll definitely provide the information about specifics as soon as I get them. One important note is that we have been told that we will have a change room. This is obviously great news but it does create a bit of a security issue. IF we had more staff coverage, I would add another position to each time slot of covering the the change room. That way it can stay open, but our possessions are safe. As we don't have that kind of coverage yet, we all need to be VERY mindful about making sure that if you are the last person out of the room that you make sure it is locked before you leave.

When we have to rely on small, on the floor change rooms, the rule always is that it is limited to 405th costumes. However, we're going to have the space for people to bring their other costumes as well. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN EVERY TIME. There will be times when we have too many people to allow for that, so please, enjoy this while we can.

Some rules for you:

1. Most important - make sure it remains locked at all times.
2. No open drinks allowed (drinks with caps are fine). Food is okay, but make sure to clean up after yourself and to never put food or drinks on or near someone else's stuff.
3. Be respectful of others and a: Keep your gear contained and not spread all over, b: watch your surroundings so as to not knock over someone's gear.
4. Do not bring in those not working at the booth. It's not a social gathering place, and our members needs to feel that their items are safe, even when they are not present. The only time this is allowed is when that person is helping you get in or out of your gear.
5. Do not leave things like wallets/purses in the room. I know sometimes, there just isn't an option, but please be careful to tuck it away and know that you do so at your own risk. Same goes for purchases made during the con.
6. Don't just get nakkie while others are in the room. Some may not want to hold a conversation with you while you're in your tighty whities. Get changed quickly and then sit and relax.
7. Be aware of your own aroma. Assume that you likely do not smell delightful when you get out of your gear. Make sure to bring lots of deodorant etc. BUT do not use shower in a can in the change room. That room will get pretty unbearable quickly if it fills up with competing Axe body sprays.
8. If you can, bring items to share with everyone - bottle water, sports drinks, candy or other snacks are all appreciated. However, don't rely on those snacks for your food at the con. They are just meant to give you a little boost and keep you hydrated.
9. If you are only wearing a costume one day, please try and just bring that for the day you are wearing it. While we certainly have room, it will get overcrowded unnecessarily if items no longer needed are left there.
10. If it happens to be a busy time in the change room - priority must be given to those gearing up for a booth shift or kitting down after a booth shift.
11. This show has an evening component. The vendor hall will not be open during this time. An air wall is going to close off the stage from the area our booth is in. The hall with the board gaming will also be open in the evening and there will be access to food and drinks. Please assume that once the vendor hall is closed and we leave that area for the day, you will most likely NOT be allowed back in to the vendor hall so take whatever you need from the change room (wallets, car keys etc.).
Hello. I am signing up for shifts but I don't see any that are set to themes, if I have put my name where there is going to be a theme please let me know and I will move it.

Please let me know to when and to who I send my etransfer to.
I basically got my 405th account set up just this afternoon so I don't wanna commit to volunteering just yet, but I'll probably be hanging around a lot. I have a pass already, but I plan on going full ODST all 3 days ideally (but maybe not Sunday)


Parking for exhibitors is in the same lot/area as it is for Edmonton Expo. It will be $16.50 per day with no in-out privileges. You can also purchase a weekend pass using this link: HONK - Park Pay Go It's 45.00 for the weekend. What isn't clear is whether or not that allows for in/out BUT it usually does for other shows.








The information does NOT provide for booking of specific times for load in. I will be trying to get clarification on that.



Again, there is no requirement as of yet to book specific times but I will get confirmation of that.


I have asked for details about where our drape wall will be. I suspect it will be that the booth front faces towards the stage. Standard booth issue is 8 foot tall back drapes with 3 foot side drapes. We should be getting two tables and 4 chairs with a 20 x 20 booth.

Directly in front of our booth is where the air wall will close at the end of the day. Everything in front of that wall will remain open and the show floor where we are located is closed. The stage area will be open from 6 PM to 12 AM as well as the table top gaming area. You will not have access to the booth area or the change room after you leave the show floor for the night. I will confirm that you can stay in Exhibitor Parking if you are staying late.

There will be food trucks as well as the Bistro North and Bistro South concession areas.

Standard rules for the fire regulations - any new build will need to be fire retardant coated and a sample of the item placed in the bag with the other samples.

Viper 466 - can you send me the total of exhibitor badges we want to request? I'll also be finding out where our change room is.

Any questions, please let me know.


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As some already know, I will be conspicuously MIA during this event. I am running my own booth at the convention but should be around for set up and/or tear down as well as a couple of hours for Noble suit up on Saturday
As some already know, I will be conspicuously MIA during this event. I am running my own booth at the convention but should be around for set up and/or tear down as well as a couple of hours for Noble suit up on Saturday
Noble might be Sunday, is that okay with you? I'd like you and Meg to coordinate since the cosplay contest is taking a big chunk out of Sat.
Oh no! :c we'll definitely miss you there but obv thats way more important. Hope everything gets better soon and stay safe!
Gonna be with another group but will have 3-4 hours of open time on Friday and Sat to do water runs and stuff as I wont be in armor.
Do we know when planning for booth themes might be set? Obviously I'm in for any ODST slots. I probably won't be bringing my Halo 3 marine.
Do we know when planning for booth themes might be set? Obviously I'm in for any ODST slots. I probably won't be bringing my Halo 3 marine.
Currently I've asked James and Electraknite to spearhead Noble for Sunday, and I'd like Chief and Cortana for Saturday if Elyairis can confirm if they're locked in for that? We won't have Phaze for Jorge this time round but they said they're in for Edmonton Expo.
Currently I've asked James and Electraknite to spearhead Noble for Sunday, and I'd like Chief and Cortana for Saturday if Elyairis can confirm if they're locked in for that? We won't have Phaze for Jorge this time round but they said they're in for Edmonton Expo.
We should be able to roll Chief and Cortana for part of Saturday, when are you thinking for having the theme? We need to be out around 3pm to have enough time to get VonSnake Changed back into Cayde 6 for the contest.
We should be able to roll Chief and Cortana for part of Saturday, when are you thinking for having the theme? We need to be out around 3pm to have enough time to get VonSnake Changed back into Cayde 6 for the contest.
Based on your prejudge times. Would it be easier to try and roll this out Sunday along side Noble as a beta test while the rest of us cover Saturday?
I'm going to Fallout on Sunday so...

Also Discord thread started for spot check in, dinner planning, and any updates.
I basically got my 405th account set up just this afternoon so I don't wanna commit to volunteering just yet, but I'll probably be hanging around a lot. I have a pass already, but I plan on going full ODST all 3 days ideally (but maybe not Sunday)
Sounds good and welcome aboard! Sorry for the late reply. Always glad to have another trooper here.
Based on your prejudge times. Would it be easier to try and roll this out Sunday along side Noble as a beta test while the rest of us cover Saturday?
I'm going to Fallout on Sunday so...

Also Discord thread started for spot check in, dinner planning, and any updates.

Sounds good and welcome aboard! Sorry for the late reply. Always glad to have another trooper here.
Our prejudge time is at 9:30, and we're coordinating for a photo shoot with Hybrid right after. And since we have a change room this year we should be able to swap into Chief and Cortana for a couple of hours (thinking 1 to 3). We might just need to dip out a bit before 3 pending what suit up time is for Cayde 6 as we need to be lined up for the contest at 3:30.

So if you're okay with around 2 hours of Chief and Cortana we can make that work.
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