Gears 2

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Jr Member
I like gears 2, i've only played it once since i got it saturday, but it was totally amazing compared to #1. Wondering what halo fans think, I have to say i like halo more, but this one comes in second.
there is already a thread on this in the General discussion forum called "Gears Sucks?" but im just trying to be helpful.
Played it, Single Player was epic, Multiplayer was boring, same stuff different game. The newer CoDs are far better IMO and I usually hate game stories based off history/historical fiction, yet CoD seems to be able to pull it off rather well.
I loved it. I do however, wish that I would stop hearing about multiplayer. Campaign is the part of the game that the developers focused on, and is the reason that I buy a game, to me, and most gamers, multiplayer is just an extra. If you only focus on multiplayer, try Counter Strike.
I loved it (if you cant tell from my avi). The campaign was great i loved the story about meria and just it in general. Sorry overlord ian but that just what i think is the multiplayer needs to be reworked (just a personal thought) and a couple of the weapons need to be fixed but nothing epic cant do. However i wont knock the game from being good but to become a game that will still have people playing after 10 years (goldeneye for N64) they need to rework stuff
Spartan 051 said:
I loved it (if you cant tell from my avi). The campaign was great i loved the story about meria and just it in general. Sorry overlord ian but that just what i think is the multiplayer needs to be reworked (just a personal thought) and a couple of the weapons need to be fixed but nothing epic cant do. However i wont knock the game from being good but to become a game that will still have people playing after 10 years (goldeneye for N64) they need to rework stuff
I liked the story a lot too. And don't worry about the multiplayer thing, I just hate hearing that people buy games just for multiplayer even though it is only around 20% of the gameplay.
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I loved it! Im not a really big multiplayer guy so im glad they made the single player campaign more diverse and exciting. As for all the glitches and what not, im sure they can fix those with a simple patch.
i loveed it! the campaign was amazing and i belive gears has a strong rep of producing a great campagin and focusing less on multiplayyer which maybe its hard to get across because we are on a halo forum and besides cod 4 halos multiplayer is one of the best so yeah if im gonna play campagin its gonna be gears, if im playin multi ill play halo or cod
I liked horde when there's a bunch of friends, but by my self I like campaign, sometimes. I like the meatshield cause i'm good at getting people down without killin' um if I want. But if a boomer comes they just blow their own guy up along with you. :eek: My fgriend told me before I bought it theres a whole multiplayer game called submission or something where the object is to take a captured player from somewhere to someplace or sometin like that.
I dont like GOW, i played the first one, but didnt like it... Like Halo3, SKATE and GTA IV much much more :)
But i havent played GOW2, maybe its fun now? :S
i like that the story mode is less scaring people and more action!! and i like how multiplayer bots are and act!!! things i hate how all the maps are so short, theres no place for snipers to dig in and fight back!
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