Getting Out Of The Game

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Jr Member
I have been working on my MKVI since January and it looks like my armor will not be ready for Halloween due to time constraints. I have shoulders and forearms that have been PEPd and glassed, and I will not be needing them. I was wondering if the Admins would allow me to post a "for sale" post on the forums as a way to help out other noobs. I am not looking to make money, Just trying to make some room in my house. What do you think? The shoulders are 100% done, only the paint needs to be finished, and the forearms are only glassed, not finished.
I don't want to sound like an ass, but I though selling was reserved for Veterans?

I thought that was the rule because I always see Mods saying that.
Woah! Hang on one darn tootin minute! I see an almost finished Hayabusa helmet in yur avatar! And you've got a bunch of other pieces done too! You're telling me you're gonna quit now?? Listen here, I've been working on my armor for over a year, and it still may not be done in time for halloween! You can't just quit because you don't meet your first deadline! I've missed four or five of them, and I'm still chipping away at my suit.

Please do me a favor man. Just keep your parts, and shelve them for a while if you're giving it a break. You can always come back to them! And I'm sure that in a few months you will! Don't give up. It's just not worth it. :cool
Ya man, don't give up. I was kidding about wanting the stuff. Wait until you have access to the classifieds and then see if you change your mind.
I have a helmet and a torso done, I was thinking of just making helmets for now. The only reason I started this was to get it done for Halloween, and since someone stole my tools, I would have to make another large investment that I cannot afford for now.
Keegan said:
I thought this topic had to do with /b/. Crap.

I refer you to rules 1,2 and 44 of the internet good sir;

1. Do not talk about /b/

2. Do NOT talk about /b/

44. /b/ sucks today

Caltec, keeping working at it. And make sure you have spare tools available. I keep losing my scissors so I've got a couple of backup pairs just in case
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Thanks guys, I'm going to just put the project on hold for now. BTW /b/ is the best/worst part of the interweb. Thanks
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