Props Goku's Electronic Props

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Has anyone considered setting up the LED units in the armor itself? Just curious as to this and wondering about if each armor part with an LED would have its own power unit or if you rigged them all to a central unit...

I'm going to start working on my suit soon most probably using pepakura, endo-glassing, and a light exterior resin layer.

Anyone have any ideas about the suit LEDs I'd love to hear about it.

Tobias325 Out
I'm actually selling kits for the body LEDs, but it's all hardwired for now, so there'd be wires running all over the place. I have plans for a wireless system though. I'll get it posted on here in a few days hopefully, so be on the lookout.
Very cool stuff!

I know you're selling a complete armor LED kit, but I was wondering.. have you considered doing a broken kit? Where a light sensor on the armor piece itself runs to a battery and led light?

That way the wires are contained, and the separate LEDs would go on as that part of the armor is in a dark shadow. I guess it depends on how big your light sensor is?

Also, what do you think of El sheets? small ones linked in series could really match the in-game suit lights.. I don't know anything about the wiring and suchlike, but I understand you can power these things with small inverters.. Might be pricey, but perhaps a single sheet could handle two suits.. thereby lowering the price.. I dunno, is that even remotely feasible?

Finally, I recall that I bought a pumpkin kit that might be useful to you (assuming they're still in production somewhere). It came with two flashing leds, a motion sensor, battery pack, speaker, a small circuit board for handling everything, AND a microphone.. it allowed you to record two messages, and came in at about $15.99 at Target about 5 years ago. I got two on clearance that year.. can't find them though.. Idea being that you might be able to scavenge the sound kit somehow, and use 'em on your gun electronics?
That's a really good idea for the armor lights. I didn't think about doing it that way. I was going to try and have one main light sensor and have that broadcast a wireless signal to each LED, telling it to turn on or off. The only problem with a sensor on each LED, is that there would have to be a switch for each LED, incase the person wanted them always on/off.

Good idea on the EL sheets, I'll look into them. Seems they can run off of batteries without an inverter even.

Great idea with the pumpkin, I know the exact ones you're talking about too. lol I found a really nice kit from RadioShack with the same voice recorder, and I think I'll be going with one of those.
hmm.. good point about the on/off switches.. also, the price might jump because of how many sensors there are. I still think folks might go for it as an option though as that would be the most realistic.. except.. could you image battery change time?

Hell for the realism, I'd be happy with wires AND multi sensor though. run the wires with quick disconnects and run them through the undersuit.

Sounds like if you wanted to, you could price-out several different methods and you'd probably get takers for each design.
Good ideas. I can understand how different people would want different features and whatnot. I'll try and work on these as soon as I get the ammo counters rolling.

Anyhow, to everyone else, the ammo counters are...ready. I'm a little disappointed in the lack of interest now that they're ready. I have 9 ready in the classifieds, so stop by, or shoot me a PM if you're interested. I've only sold one so far. :(
I don't know for the others, but to me, it's looks kind of hard to install o_O

But I like your work, and as soon as my helmet is molded, I'll get you one or two kits.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Gokussj5okazu @ Mar 29 2008, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Here's several other ideas I'm working on that are not yet completed. Thanks everyone who submitted these ideas in my other topic. If anyone has anymore ideas, feel free to let me know. :D

Wireless Headset / COM
Features:<ul>[*]Wireless Headset[*]Loudspeakers in Backpack[*]3' Range from Helmet to Backpack[*]300 Meter Range to Other Spartans[/list]Opaque HUD
Features:<ul>[*]See-Through LCD Screen as HUD[/list]Note: I really don't know what could be displayed on here yet. I few ideas I've had include ammo count from the BR55/MA5C, armor/outside temperature, COM status, ect. I could really use some more ideas for this one though.</div>

I've been really interested in some sort of interactive HUD for the inside of the helmet. It kind of reminds me of this display they had setup in the innovations building at Epcot in Disney World. It was a little tiny flip down eye piece which showed a translucent windows desktop and could be controlled either by voice or with a text messaging sized controller.

No doubt those things never made it to the market from their showcase at Disney, seeing as in my own observations, I haven't seen these really available to the regular consumer market, but if that view screen was easily reproducible, it wouldn't seem impossible to say, rig up a mini computer into the rear back compartment with a small power supply, an input device, and have it running a custom linux GUI that allowed some degree of user interface with the HUD.

If someone could build a proxy/ firewall using a smoothwall distro of linux and this little custom computer shown here:



we would be in business. Imagine being able to pull up a myriad of functions onto the HUD like temperatures, faux-shield meters, motion sensors, etc. Hell, during down time at home, you could even have the hard disk partitioned with your favorite OS and have your desktop displayed in your helmet just like the device I mentioned from Epcot.
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