Props Group Brainstorm! Sliding Mechanism for Back Mounted Equipment


Looking to kick around ideas for how to achieve an effect that is seen in Halo 2 Anniversary and other place. In this scene right before Johnson flirts with the Arbiter, we can see his BR slides up to become more accessible. I think anyone who has tried to make their props attach to their back dreams how nice this function would be to have.

Therefore, I propose a group brainstorming session to see how feasible it would be to accomplish this effect. With 3d printers, raspberry pi's, and other great tools now more accessible to hobbyist, I'm guessing something pretty incredible could be cooked up.

Personally, I'm thinking about electric linier slides on the weapon that would pull their power from the suit through magnets. Hit a button on the stock that activates the slide to either go forward or reverse, thus raising or lowering it.

What is everyone else thinking, or has been tried in the past that could be iterated on?
Looking to kick around ideas for how to achieve an effect that is seen in Halo 2 Anniversary and other place. In this scene right before Johnson flirts with the Arbiter, we can see his BR slides up to become more accessible. I think anyone who has tried to make their props attach to their back dreams how nice this function would be to have.

Therefore, I propose a group brainstorming session to see how feasible it would be to accomplish this effect. With 3d printers, raspberry pi's, and other great tools now more accessible to hobbyist, I'm guessing something pretty incredible could be cooked up.

Personally, I'm thinking about electric linier slides on the weapon that would pull their power from the suit through magnets. Hit a button on the stock that activates the slide to either go forward or reverse, thus raising or lowering it.
View attachment 345057

What is everyone else thinking, or has been tried in the past that could be iterated on?
My first thought would be an internal spring and a small rfid drawer lock. Hide the rfid key in your glove and when you put it over the unlock spot the spring would extend the stock. That way you don’t have to program anything and it’d run a long time on a small battery. The prop would have to be fairly robust though.
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