Guttergrowls Hd Armor Thread

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Jr Member
So lets make this basic shall we.

The names Jack, I'm an auto mechanic, musician.

Not so much a prop maker, but I like to test myself, and throw money at projects that leave me broke, and completely stressed out. I'm sure others can agree.

I don't get to play halo as much as I'd like, so I'm not as much involved as I could be.

I just think it's going to be fun as hell to scare the hell out of people who have no idea what halo is, or for that matter, what I am when I am suited up.

Enough talking, I am starting with the dome piece, as I suppose its the most crucial piece.

I'd like to thank FS for his amazing MKVI HD pep, Great work, and very easy to work with for the most part, I think any errors I have had are my own fault. If my scale work is correct it should be a tad bigger then my head leaving room for padding and adding to the effect of the entire suit.




I'm gonna do some more work tonight, and I will update as much as I can.

And for $#!Ts and giggles, my haggard iron man helmet, Was a horribly flawed pep and I do not suggest anyone uses it. I plan to redo some of it with my own bends to get the shape I'm looking for, and hopefully after resin and bondo, it will be shaped much better.



Enjoy, till next time.

I've been using super glue gel, I def suggest it to anyone doing pep. And the key to a good outcome is putting a lot of effort into the folds.

Thanks guys!
In your second picture of the Iron Man helmet, it almost looks like a paper jack-o-lantern! :lol:
Nice work though, keep it up!
Yeah, I suppose it does. Hah

I might just burn it and wait for a new, better iron man pep to come out.

Or I could learn to 3d model, hm. :confused:
Nice looking work there. Maybe it's just the zoom of the camera, but the jaw looks massive in some of the pictures, so I was wondering what scale are you using for the helmet? (Such as height=255 mm)
Really, I honestly thought it looked kind of small for my liking, I scaled it a little larger then I figured would be needed so I could make the suit look a little, larger. Adding to the effect of the whole suit once its finished, and also tons of room for padding, and a super secret idea for the helmet.

I believe the stock setting height wise was 265mm I scaled it to 285mm.
The MVl helmet is looking really good. Clean folds and all... Keep it up man! :)

As for scaring the hell out of people, you'll probably get more folks wanting to take your picture... Trust me. I walked through Walmart in mine and everyone was crowded around me! Although I did scare a lot of old people. :p
Ah, sorry for the lack of updates, life is hectic.

Gotta finish up a few minor details, maybe resin after some well deserved sleep?

Bondo will fix all the flaws, I tried to get it as perfect as possible but had some battles.

Enough talking, maybe this will help my thread gain some popularity hah!


Till next time! Later guys!
I already started putting in supports, or I would have. I was tired and didn't even think about it, Hell I didn't even sleep because I wanted to finish the damn thing hah!

But its really nice out today, so I think I might get it coated with some resin.

Wish me luck.
good luck man...although it doesn't really look like you'll need much of it , your helmet looks really well put together....
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