Welcome to the newest addition to the Leo arsenal! This'll try to be a comprehensible tutorial to building a marine suit of armor. Now you might be asking, "Why a marine?" Why not? The Marines in Halo might of been the background and cannon fodder of the series but they had heart and were relatable, lets face it, the majority of us wouldn't be ODST's or Spartans in real life, we'd be these guys. A set of Marine armor is the Tie Pilot to Star Wars costuming, it's great entry level and is pretty easy to make.
While I began working and finishing my ODST over the last 4 weeks, my pal David introduced me to a retro gaming con coming up in July and I felt like it was the perfect opportunity to take the ODST out on the town. However David has never done a cosplay in his entire life and only been to 1 convention which was with me back in February. Being gamers and loving all things retro I asked if he wanted to go with me, of course he's jumping at the chance and I told him I'd assist him in doing Marine armor since we're short on time.
Back around 2013 or 14, I had built a Marine cosplay out of EVA foam, it was not easy for me at the time with limited knowledge and experience, and had to have a lot of help. The only thing I had confidence in was building the helmet. Times have changed and that armor is long long gone after wearing it maybe 3 times. The helmet however I still got around!
So to make this happen I'm going to be fully utilizing my Creality printers, mostly on my CR-10S5, but we'll dabble a bit on my Ender 3 as well.
The attempt will be something comparable to
but with some liberties taken due to time and budget.
The STL files I'll be using come from thingiverse courteous of Moe Sizzlac, many of us know here on the forum,
Pretty much using the same setup as the old pepakura breakdown, which works for me as I'm fairly familiar with it using that pattern on my old H3 Marine. However with that being said, and I don't wanna sound ungreatful, the look is very dated and lacks a tremendous amount of detail. Depending on time I'm going to maybe add some details to it post print to give it a little update and some wow factor.
I'll be using the latest version of Cura and Meshmixer to help break down some of the STL's for faster printing and to use a lot less filament. Which btw the filament will be PLA provided by Overture which is what I use the most. As much as I'd like to use something like PETG, the S5 can't handle that versus my Ender 3 Pro, however my Ender 3 Pro can't really handle something like this....piece by piece maybe but it'll take far to long.
Currently the chest piece is ready for cleaning, and the helmet is pretty much going to be my old one from 2014 t hat's still in amazing condition and has some of the best helmet liner you can probably find on these
The back torso piece will be completed tomorrow after 4 days of constant printing and I'll close it up with the shoulder pieces I think next.
I start vacation the week after and plan on either having a good chunk of this done or be working on something else....we'll see. But I'll certainly keep everyone up to date on the progress and be as detailed as I can for it.
While I began working and finishing my ODST over the last 4 weeks, my pal David introduced me to a retro gaming con coming up in July and I felt like it was the perfect opportunity to take the ODST out on the town. However David has never done a cosplay in his entire life and only been to 1 convention which was with me back in February. Being gamers and loving all things retro I asked if he wanted to go with me, of course he's jumping at the chance and I told him I'd assist him in doing Marine armor since we're short on time.
Back around 2013 or 14, I had built a Marine cosplay out of EVA foam, it was not easy for me at the time with limited knowledge and experience, and had to have a lot of help. The only thing I had confidence in was building the helmet. Times have changed and that armor is long long gone after wearing it maybe 3 times. The helmet however I still got around!
So to make this happen I'm going to be fully utilizing my Creality printers, mostly on my CR-10S5, but we'll dabble a bit on my Ender 3 as well.
The attempt will be something comparable to
The STL files I'll be using come from thingiverse courteous of Moe Sizzlac, many of us know here on the forum,
Pretty much using the same setup as the old pepakura breakdown, which works for me as I'm fairly familiar with it using that pattern on my old H3 Marine. However with that being said, and I don't wanna sound ungreatful, the look is very dated and lacks a tremendous amount of detail. Depending on time I'm going to maybe add some details to it post print to give it a little update and some wow factor.
The back torso piece will be completed tomorrow after 4 days of constant printing and I'll close it up with the shoulder pieces I think next.
I start vacation the week after and plan on either having a good chunk of this done or be working on something else....we'll see. But I'll certainly keep everyone up to date on the progress and be as detailed as I can for it.