Props Halo 3 Spartan Laser. Finnished.

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At least you have a good excuse and seems as you were at work then I understand, so no problem. And you make make it lower poly if you wish because I don't really have the time. Do you need the .max?
No need for the .max, the obj works well enough for me. Thanks for the offer though!
I work with metasequoia (freeware), so the end file will be metaseq's mqo file - I won't be able to save as anything else to give back to you. Or it could just be posted as an unfolded .pdo pep file.

It may take a while, 3, 703 polys and 5, 149 verts will take me some work to optimize for pepakura...
I'll work on it as I get chances to.
No need to be angsty about it, people have things they do in real life and this section of these forums isn't heavily-trafficked.

That said, it's the best splaser model I've seen. It is far too complicated for pepakura, though- not that that's a bad thing! Taking off detail is easier than adding it. There could be a lot of floating faces added to the p'do, too, for stencils, so the detail won't go to waste.
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