Foam Halo CE M90 Shotty

Hmmmm... It's been a minute since I last posted. Admittedly the props have just been sitting around being admired.
Finally started sealing them with Flexbond thinned down with water and tinted with a little black paint.
Since the product requires to be brushed on, I have to do one side at a time.
Will probably have to apply 3 coats in total.
Been procrastinating for the last two months. Need to get this done for FanExpo Toronto next month.
The photo doesn't seem like much a difference from my last post but, sealing is done and I have started painting.
I thinned some Liquatex Basics acrylic paint and applied with an airbrush.
It's gonna take a few coats since the paint is a a little transparent when thinned this much.
View attachment 350485
Been procrastinating for the last two months. Need to get this done for FanExpo Toronto next month.
The photo doesn't seem like much a difference from my last post but, sealing is done and I have started painting.
I thinned some Liquatex Basics acrylic paint and applied with an airbrush.
It's gonna take a few coats since the paint is a a little transparent when thinned this much.
wow and the details ! Amazing (y)
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