Halo Infinite Celox Helmet Build


Hi All!
Just wanted to show my progress on a Celox Helmet I've been trying to build. It took a couple of attempts since I've been trying on the K1 Max, but after slicing it a bit smaller I was able to get it done on my Bambu XIC. What I'm very happy about is being able to finally vacuform visors correctly! This was a rough attempt at it since I didn't sand my buck with this attempt, but it's good enough until I finish the helmet.


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Hi All!
Just wanted to show my progress on a Celox Helmet I've been trying to build. It took a couple of attempts since I've been trying on the K1 Max, but after slicing it a bit smaller I was able to get it done on my Bambu XIC. What I'm very happy about is being able to finally vacuform visors correctly! This was a rough attempt at it since I didn't sand my buck completely, but it's good enough until I finish the helmet.
Even with the layer lines, that's a good placeholder visor. The shape fits the helmet really well! When you fully sand the next visor buck that's going to be really good! What grit was the current one sanded up to? I know on mine I did wet sanding up to 2000. I'm not sure what other people normally do for theirs.
Even with the layer lines, that's a good placeholder visor. The shape fits the helmet really well! When you fully sand the next visor buck that's going to be really good! What grit was the current one sanded up to? I know on mine I did wet sanding up to 2000. I'm not sure what other people normally do for theirs.
Thank you so much! and I'm sorry I meant to type that I didn't sand the buck at all with this first attempt, this is with .2mm layer lines with 3 walls printed with a .4mm nozzle on the X1. I attached the video for reference of the print


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For the helmet itself I actually did only 2 walls without realizing it (Typically I like to do 3 walls to be durable enough for sanding).


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Hi All!
Just wanted to show my progress on a Celox Helmet I've been trying to build. It took a couple of attempts since I've been trying on the K1 Max, but after slicing it a bit smaller I was able to get it done on my Bambu XIC. What I'm very happy about is being able to finally vacuform visors correctly! This was a rough attempt at it since I didn't sand my buck with this attempt, but it's good enough until I finish the helmet.
Im seriously hoping i can get my celox to look half as good as this one does xD though 8 parts does make that a daunting task
Hi All!
Just wanted to show my progress on a Celox Helmet I've been trying to build. It took a couple of attempts since I've been trying on the K1 Max, but after slicing it a bit smaller I was able to get it done on my Bambu XIC. What I'm very happy about is being able to finally vacuform visors correctly! This was a rough attempt at it since I didn't sand my buck with this attempt, but it's good enough until I finish the helmet.
This is looking amazing! Can’t wait to watch this beaut’ get done
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