Foam Halo Infinite Masterchief Build

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Member DIN
Hey guys, so while I've already completed one halo suit so far I've been really keen to do another one and even more keen to make it Masterchief. I've always loved the mark VI design of Halo 3 and the Halo Infinite redesign of the classic armor is just so cool.

I'll be using Heroesworkshop's files and The Tiny Geek's build thread, as well as TylerBH2014's thread throughout the process. So far all I've got foamed is the front of the torso and the hand plates. Found out I could get 3mm foam from Bunnings relatively cheaply and it has changed my life. No more cutting foam in half and ruing the design because I can keep the knife straight.
I'm assuming this will take a while to do as I really work on it once or twice a week, but we'll see how it goes. And I know that the joins and instepped pieces look super ugly but I'm going to finish them with paintable bathroom sika so they'll be perfectly smooth... at least that's the plan anyway.


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Hey guys, so while I've already completed one halo suit so far I've been really keen to do another one and even more keen to make it Masterchief. I've always loved the mark VI design of Halo 3 and the Halo Infinite redesign of the classic armor is just so cool.

I'll be using Heroesworkshop's files and The Tiny Geek's build thread, as well as TylerBH2014's thread throughout the process. So far all I've got foamed is the front of the torso and the hand plates. Found out I could get 3mm foam from Bunnings relatively cheaply and it has changed my life. No more cutting foam in half and ruing the design because I can keep the knife straight.
I'm assuming this will take a while to do as I really work on it once or twice a week, but we'll see how it goes. And I know that the joins and instepped pieces look super ugly but I'm going to finish them with paintable bathroom sika so they'll be perfectly smooth... at least that's the plan anyway.
Looks good so far, especially the smoothness of the handplates. The only thing I would say is that that template for the torso doesn't look as accurate as Shandedarks. Other than that, I've got another thread to follow
Thanks, I know what u mean about the chest piece. I've been modifying it bit by bit, but I've been mostly working on the back piece over the last couple weekends. I'll try to post photos when it's done.


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So I've just finished foaming the back and chest pieces. I was originally going to make them as separate pieces that clipped together with buckles, but..... I couldn't get them to connect properly or at least not the way I would've liked. This is my second ever costume so I'm still learning but I feel like I'm slowly getting better at foamwork. Also, if the chest looks big, it's meant to. I've found from studying other people's suits. that when it comes to Masterchief suits people either of two options. They either go with a slim "halo 3" look even if it's not a halo 3 design. Or a large "tanky" infinite style like The Tiny Geek's build. And that's what I'm hoping to achieve.
I've fixed up where the chest fits on me since taking this photo, but it still looks pretty big.


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Just finished the cod plate and gauntlets this week. They all fit well, only had to downscale the original files a little bit. Also made the grapple shot because its my favourite equipment in halo infinite multiplayer. View attachment 340332
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Those gauntlets look great!
Also good idea to make the tip of the grappleshot from foam, I've heard about people having trouble with con security occasionally about 3d printed ones being too sharp.
Also try sanding down the foam pattern from the back of the grappleshot's hook, should make it slightly cleaner.
Update for this week... both shoulders are now done. I did a test fit to work out the positioning of the arm gear and it looks like I might have scaled the shoulders slightly smaller then I would have liked. But I think I'll use them anyway. I'm gonna work out how to strap and attach armor after I finish making the rest of my armor. Chest also looks a bit big, but I'm trying to go with a tanky look anyway.


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Just been working on the shin armor lately. I finished off the chest and cod/belt rigging and I was wondering how everyone attaches their boots to their shoes? They pretty much fit perfectly to my old Oliver work boots, but I was thinking of using some elastic and running it under the heel arch of the shoe and connecting it to the boot. Was hoping to get some ideas from some more experienced cosplayers as I'm still quite new to cosplay.
I have these two posts about how I did my boots (potentially complex and I don't want to mislead by doing an inadequate summary).
Thanks mate, I find 3d printing gives so much more detail but it's harder for me to get the scale right. And then you have to worry about sanding and and filling and more sanding. I like foam because it's user friendly even if your templates aren't. And what I mean by that is that if your templates are super complex and you stuff up something, you can just add or cut off some foam, or heat it up and bend it more.
I just run an elastic strap under the boot. It is glued on one side and is velcro-d on the other. There is nothing else holding the boot covers in place. Works a treat!
Thanks guys, appreciate the encouragement.

And thanks N8TBB for the boot idea, I'll give that a try. On another note, to anyone who uses spray cans, how many cans would u say that u go through for a spartan suit. I'm allowing roughly 6 x 400ml cans, should I allow more or will 5 do?
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