
New Member
Hi everyone, while I am a new member I have been following the 405th for some time (no stalking I swear........ well not much ;) ) and as I already make props and costumes for cosplayers among other crafty arty items (puppets etc.) I have decided to take more of an active role as a cosplayer myself.

I am a father of 4 who I have already given the cosplay bug too (we attended our first con as a family at Adelaide SupaNova in 2022) my youngest child is my son and we have been bonding over Halo Infinite, as such I have decided to make myself and my son a Master chief outfit.

I will try and upload progress on the daily/weekly but due to work commitments (Mining civil supervisor) it does become a bit hectic.

Here is where I am at so far, (BIG thank you to MoeSizzlac for the files), I will be modelling my own set sooner or later but thought it easier to get started with someone else's wheel as it were :)

A thank you in advance to all who will contribute to this process whether it be in the comments section or the forum archives from previous builders, I look forward to becoming a part of this community!

> (BIG thank you to MoeSizzlac for the files)
I'm thinking that looks like his new silver timeline stuff. Yes?

> at Adelaide SupaNova in 2022
Queensland here

Its a good group here. Hollar if you run into trouble, otherwise looking forward to watching your build.
> (BIG thank you to MoeSizzlac for the files)
I'm thinking that looks like his new silver timeline stuff. Yes?

> at Adelaide SupaNova in 2022
Queensland here

Its a good group here. Hollar if you run into trouble, otherwise looking forward to watching your build.
I believe it is the Silver timeline yes
No doubt I will give a shout hahaha, thank you for the warm welcome
Good luck with this build mate. I love that cosplay can bring friends and family. I'm currently working on a foam MC Infinite suit and helping my little brother build a Boba Fett suit. It's something we both love doing and can take pride in the fact that we got to do it together. It's made lasting memories for me and I'm sure it will for you and your son. Best of luck mate, and remember to have fun with it!
Good luck on the builds! Building not one, but TWO suits as your first major halo costuming adventure sounds like it will be quite a challenge :)
Thank you all for the warmth, I've been having issues with my printer so have been slowly overhauling old parts, finally getting back on track and will post updates very soon
By the way... I forget to mention on your Armorsmith screenshot. There's a bug in ASD's built in capture that makes the shots really wide stretched.

If you have a screen capture utility like SnagIt you'll get a better photo at the right aspect ratio.

Why not just Win+Shift+S
SnippingTool is another screen capture utility. Sure, go for it if that's the one you like.
I was just saying that the Export Snapshot feature out of Armorsmith produces and export that is out of aspect ratio.
Here is my update so far (missing pictures of the Left Vambrace), the new printer is doing well and after the move into our first home, the old printer is dialed inn nicely as well, so now I have the cr10s Pro V2 and the K1 Max ruing non stop. Took the Front chest and helmet to work to share with the people there, I have also remodeled the Mk50 to be a little better fit to the hand and fatter so it didn't feel so slim (picture is old model)

Will be sharing more as the build progresses, Love everyone else works so far, shout out to MoeSizzlac for his time and effort on the files, as a 3D modeller I know what the time it takes to create these files, so thank you again!


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Slowly getting there, not much more to print. Sorry I don't update a lot here, I do post more inn the discord though hahaha

Have printed the cod and both upper shins, at the time of writing this post I am also printing the lower portion of the shin (Split the files to fit the printer). Than all that is left is L & R thigh and the back pieces (both chest and spine)


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