Halo Infinite Ravager - September Technical Preview Version


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
All you hear is constant monkey noises from my house as I work on every Banished weapon prop within the September Technical Preview. This thread will include references and models for creating a Ravager based on the flighting and other releases made by 343. This thread will serve three purposes.
  1. Be a repository and reference for others who are also searching for images to use for their own Shock Rifle builds.
  2. Act as a permanent link for free printable files for what I've designed.
  3. Showcase the build process as any other build thread.
This first post is reserved as an index for the rest of the thread and will be updated as the build progresses.

Reference Images (343 Industries sources)
CAD References Images (Self made)
Build Pack Files
Materials Used
Finished Photos
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First post reserved for reference images.

Halo Infinite Campaign Gameplay Premiere

Inside Infinite Renders

Halo Infinite Tech Preview September 24th-26th
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Here we go with the last Banisher gun prop from the Technical Previews so far. Here's hoping for one more flight so we can see the Electro Gun that's been on a few different action figures and MegaConstrux sets. Below is the orthographic projection of my interpretation of this prop, some of the muzzle and side vent details needed to be adjusted to have a more appealing layout and allow for clearance of moving parts. The body is designed to be hollow for addition of LEDs as well as servomotors to control the sequenced vent opening as heat is vented for the reload animation.
Ravager Drawing_Page_1.png

In the render you can better see points of illumination. I'm not sure if the vent covers are supposed to be illuminated all the time but the workflow I used allowed for it so might as well right?


And for good measure a few more rotational angles.
Ravager Filepack, hot and ready! This design is very simple in terms of extra hardware since everything is based around 5mm pins for alignment and rotation. The three vents of each side are held in place with one long pin that can be inserted from the back of the internal housing. Two support rods are used in securing the knife handle and for aligning the split halves of the main housing. Everything is designed with a 0.3mm fit tolerance at 1:1 scale to allow for painting then assembly while still having a snug fit.

Please respect the Creative Commons licensing stamped inside, I designed these files for the 405th folks to have fun with and help everyone get excited for Infinite, I don't want to see people selling these as kits or castings.

Good luck, have fun.

Ravager Filepack
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Thank you Turbo, i will print this right after the current Infinite weapon i am doing.
I'm excited to see your work on it! My workshop situation is still a bit on the funny side so I likely won't have a chance to work on one myself fully until the new year. If you run into any issues please let me know so I can update the file pack if needed.
hi, can you add an file of all the pieces assembled, im wanting to print some out at a smaller scale for warhammer 40k conversions
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