Master Chief (halo infinite)


New Member
Hello. I’m new here. I’ve been pointed to come here by loads of halo fans.
So I’m looking to purchase a master chief costume. But I’m having a hard time finding one that’s affordable.
I’m not sure if this is allowed but is it possible for someone to help me make one? Obviously I would pay for the printing and rubber, plastic etc etc

If so I would be very grateful
Thank you for your time in reading this!
Hello Arbiter, welcome to the 405th!

We have a Marketplace on this website. Here, you can make a listing in detail on what you are looking for. We also have a Discord with a #looking-to-buy channel you can post your inquiry in, I can send you a link if you're interested.

Hope this helps, kind regards.
Hello Arbiter, welcome to the 405th!

We have a marketplace on this website Marketplace
Here, you can make a listing on what you are looking for. We also have a Discord (I would be happy to send you an invite if you are interested) that has a #looking-to-buy channel you can post your inquiry in.
Hope this helps, kind regards.
Oh yes that would be great if you could!
Unlike other Fandoms there are not a lot of "Kit" makers out there for Halo costumes, in the sense that Kit means a sort of almost Mass Produced ready to assemble or pre-assembled set of armor.

Sean Bradley sells an excellent ODST kit, and we have several vendors of Resin Cast helmets, but beyond that Halo costumes tend to be Do It Yourself or 1 off commissions. There's a lot reasons for this, the sheer variety of Halo armor, the fact that it was predominantly digital assets and as such not as easy to reproduce as a costume that was mass produced for film or television.

Regardless, outside of the commercial products like the Disguise Halo 4 or the Rubies Halo 3, or Sean's ODST Kit, it is best to plan on having to commissioning an armor set, if you do not want to go down the DIY route. We do always try to encourage folks to learn and build it themselves, but we also respect that not everyone has the time or sill to build their own costume, and we still want to help you achieve your dream of owning a Halo Universe costume, just keep in mind if you aren't building it yourself there will be a not insignificant cost involved, usually in the thousands of dollars.
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