Halo Infinite Skewer - Inside Infinite March 2021 Version


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
If there's one thing that's fairly apparent about my tastes in props it's that Brute weapons hold a certain special place in my heart. Also big frakking power weapons that lob a harpoon to impale other SPARTANs. With a good side profile of the Skewer concept art and a few educated guesses on scaling I'm going to see if I can get a speed build of this new object of my desire going so that we can have a bunch of new toys ready to go for the Infinite launch parties.

You know the deal with a TurboCharizard thread, a few simple goals and an index as listed below. Based on a quick estimate I should have some form of printable parts ready to rock Sunday so the first few stages will be updated rather quickly. What this thread is for
  1. Be a repository and reference for others who are also searching for images to use for their own Skewer builds.
  2. Act as a permanent link for free printable files for what I've designed.
  3. Showcase the build process as any other build thread.
Since it's a bit of an odd thread that will need updating throughout the process this first post is reserved as an index for the rest of the thread.

Reference Images (343 Industries sources)
CAD References Images (Self made)
Build Pack Files
Materials Used
Finished Photos
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Overall this may be a bit on the ambitious side of the design house since at this point in time all we have is a side profile view of the Skewer and the sound effects that it makes while firing. All I can say is that it's beefy and I love it. This post will be updated as more views are made available.
Isn't this the gun from fifth element?
Overall this may be a bit on the ambitious side of the design house since at this point in time all we have is a side profile view of the Skewer and the sound effects that it makes while firing. All I can say is that it's beefy and I love it. This post will be updated as more views are made available.
View attachment 304513
Here we are, 6 hours 20minutes on the timer of hands on time.
I made two versions of the grips, one with hard modelled tape in the files and one that I plan on using for printing that has space for a fabric wrap.

Turntable because fun.

And multiview for those who like that appearance more then spinny shiny thing. The lineweights are a bit messed up on the PNG preview but it's good for zooming in.

ODCA and LD Industries I believe you were interested in these?
So the fun thing about life is sometimes it takes an unexpected turn. Here we are four months later and I'm just posting the files and haven't been able to test any of them myself. Everything should be good to print and piece together with PVC with sizes listed in the file pack and 5mm rods/pins.

I will warn you that it's a big prop and that it will take some time and material to chug through everything. Some parts slot over each other during assembly and everything should be test fit before final glue up. Most parts have a 0.3mm tolerance at full scale but obviously that'll change if you scale anything down (please don't scale up, it's goofy enough already).

I'll only be hosting these files here since the last Infinite prop I put up for free ended up being sold as a kit (breaking that CC License) without my permission on a few different sites resulting in a bunch of headaches for myself. If you do want to do a print for a friend, it can only be done at materials cost or by the good old makers agreement of the appropriate number of six packs to get work done.

Please also enjoy the renders of this beast created by the talented Surasia

Good luck and happy printing!

Skewer Filepack
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