HCS Arlington March 15 - 17

I plan to be there! I’ll bring my ODST and Plasma Pistol prop! These dates are perfect I’ll likely not be there Friday but Saturday and Sunday I’ll be there though I may be able to convince my parents to let me not go to school on Friday since it’s the last day before spring break! I’m excited to meet more people! And luckily it’s only 15 minutes away from me!
For organization purposes, I am looking to get an idea who who would like to room together. Currently looking at three potential candidates that room 5/6 and are located close to the event at an affordable availability and rate.

Option 1: AirBNB

Option 2: Hotel

Option 3: AirBNB

As well for consistency I am going to tag those of you that expressed interest /are in area of the event to this posting from Discord.

SalLyrisse WandererTJ ImBlaze MyrHerder KGSupreme JTF4

I am looking to book this ASAP so please lemme know if that's of interest. Hotel I will also have 20% off of the pricing due to my discount with Expedia Group.
For organization purposes, I am looking to get an idea who who would like to room together. Currently looking at three potential candidates that room 5/6 and are located close to the event at an affordable availability and rate.

Option 1: AirBNB

Option 2: Hotel

Option 3: AirBNB

As well for consistency I am going to tag those of you that expressed interest /are in area of the event to this posting from Discord.

SalLyrisse WandererTJ ImBlaze MyrHerder KGSupreme JTF4

I am looking to book this ASAP so please lemme know if that's of interest. Hotel I will also have 20% off of the pricing due to my discount with Expedia Group.
You know I’m in
For organization purposes, I am looking to get an idea who who would like to room together. Currently looking at three potential candidates that room 5/6 and are located close to the event at an affordable availability and rate.

Option 1: AirBNB

Option 2: Hotel

Option 3: AirBNB

As well for consistency I am going to tag those of you that expressed interest /are in area of the event to this posting from Discord.

SalLyrisse WandererTJ ImBlaze MyrHerder KGSupreme JTF4

I am looking to book this ASAP so please lemme know if that's of interest. Hotel I will also have 20% off of the pricing due to my discount with Expedia Group.
Thanks for tagging! I will likely be rooming with some non-405th friends coming in from out of town but will see y'all there!
I plan to be there! I’ll bring my ODST and Plasma Pistol prop! These dates are perfect I’ll likely not be there Friday but Saturday and Sunday I’ll be there though I may be able to convince my parents to let me not go to school on Friday since it’s the last day before spring break! I’m excited to meet more people! And luckily it’s only 15 minutes away from me!
Might actually crunch my Spartan just need to try to get as much done as fast as possible
I am a strong maybe. It's an easy drive up from Austin, I like rooming with Halo friends, and this is enough advance notice to plan for it.

I am a bit busy during this week to look more into it, but I'll set a reminder to figure it out this weekend and give you a better answer.

Thanks for coordinating crackhead09 ! That's an important but often unrecognized responsibility. I salute you.
Does anyone know if there might be a costume contest at the HCS Major Arlington 2024? I've got something amazing planned and wanted to start budgeting time!
Does anyone know if there might be a costume contest at the HCS Major Arlington 2024? I've got something amazing planned and wanted to start budgeting time!
At this time, the cosplay contests are reserved for HaloWC. But we are working on communicating with the vendor for opportunities to be accessories to the events overall success. Details are forthcoming, stay tuned here for any updates!
Hey folks! We just had a very fantastic meeting with the folks over at Optic Gaming! Here is a rundown of expectations and asks:

- We will have access to power for our space, and a custom backdrop and shelving provided for a 35" x 10" space. We will be the first thing attendees see when they come into the event and have dedicated photoshoots for event goers.

- Outside food and water while not permitted to be brought in, water will be supplied in refillable water bottles by the venue. Due to budget constraints, food may not be provided.

- Optic will be supplying us all booth materials and asks, but are asking we provided ourselves, and props for display. Ideally, they ARE looking to have someone close to their color schemes to do special asks, WandererTJ I did throw your name in the ring being our resident green and white Spartan.

- Tuesday through Thursday, we are able to go to the venue at anytime to get a lay of the land. But for set up, we are exploring a 9:30 Am/9:45 Am arrival time. We have also asked for a separate access point to avoid a mob in the morning but it has not been approved as of yet.

- FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PURCHASED PASSES: I need your full receipts! Optic is covering our attendance for this event. I will need your emails, first and last legal names, and a photo of the armor you will be attending in to provide to them.

- Optic wants to run 4v4's with Spartans, I encourage brushing up on the game, (Specifically RANKED) to make yourself as formidable as possible come weekend of the event! Not required, but encouraged.
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