Help With Connecting Torso

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So I've put down cosplay work for a couple weeks to take a break, and there is a question I have been pondering. I cannot figure out a good method of connecting the two halves of my chestplate/torso. My original idea was to attach backpack clips to each side, but the problem I am encountering is that these backpack clips refuse to stick to the chestplate. I tried both hot glue and contact cement, but neither seems to want to work. So do any of you have any advice in this manner? Advice of how to get these clips to stick is preferable, but if you have an alternate method of joining these two halves then I am also happy for the advice.


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So I managed to successfully connect my torso using backpack clips, nylon straps, hot glue, and epoxy. So thanks for all the advice!
However, I had to cut these holes in the chest plate in order to reach the clips, and I think it looks kinda bad. So I wondered if anyone had tips for covering up the hole, but in such a way I can still reach the
You could maybe use a thin foam flap to cover the holes and glue them on on only one side. If you paint it right, it shouldn't be too obvious. Just use a pretty flexible paint so it doesn't chip off.
You could maybe use a thin foam flap to cover the holes and glue them on on only one side. If you paint it right, it shouldn't be too obvious. Just use a pretty flexible paint so it doesn't chip off.
I tossed around that idea myself. But could really come up with a flap that would go back to laying down after being lifted several times to unbuckle the chest plate. I also could think of a shape I could make that wouldn't seem out of place. But I guess any shape would do if someone wasn't familiar with the armor.
You could try a foam "plug" shaped to fit right into the hole. Use some velcro on the top of the buckle and bottom of the foam, and you don't have to worry about it falling out. Just pull out the plug and you can unclip. If is sticks up a bit you can either shave it down or make it into an aspect of the armor.

Now if that gap in the side is permanent, you might want to consider craft foam as a "gap filler". Attach a strip of foam on one side of the inside along the seam to cover up the gap.

Great job so far....looking forward to seeing the finished suit.
You could try a foam "plug" shaped to fit right into the hole. Use some velcro on the top of the buckle and bottom of the foam, and you don't have to worry about it falling out. Just pull out the plug and you can unclip. If is sticks up a bit you can either shave it down or make it into an aspect of the armor.

Now if that gap in the side is permanent, you might want to consider craft foam as a "gap filler". Attach a strip of foam on one side of the inside along the seam to cover up the gap.

Great job so far....looking forward to seeing the finished suit.
Hmm, a very interesting idea. I might very well try that.
When you say "gap in the side" do you mean this line here?


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Why don’t you just incorporate the gap into the design of the armor like on master chiefs. His buckles are exposed. It may not be apart of the reach design but it’s better then making something look like it’s covered up. You’ve already cut the holes so maybe build a ledge around it so it looks natural. On my reach torso I used a nut and hole. The head of the nut slides into a hole on the rear back piece. Like a picture frame hanger.


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