Here goes. Making Plastic Parts: Tutorial (coming soon)

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So, Adam, I know about the thread that tells you, but really, what sort of requisites do you need to have to get access to the other forums, the premiums? Do you need to have at least a pep suit finished or something? Like I understand there really is no certainty that you'll make it under any conditions but like, what are YOU looking for in someone?
what we are looking for if you help out here maybe get so info on stuff or give back to the group here something like that and we will see that
link4044 said:
well keep it up...i can put in a good word for ya ;-)

Appreciate it. ;-)

I swear I'll get started on mine one day... I think I may be able to start within two weeks.
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link4044 said: for mould making and resin

I looked at the site, I'm not sure what I should buy if I want to use the same method that Adam is using, could you help me out in that area Link please?
Thanks in advance!!
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I talked to someone from a while ago about the smooth-on resin. Heres what he told me:

Check out the Task lines from Smoothon.

I have used Task 15 for helmets that I tested to failure. It would survive throwing it up in the air as high as i could and didn't actually fail until it was repeatedly slammed against the concrete. Think of it more like the plastic that toys are made from. slightly flexable and somewhat stretchy before breaking.


Haven't gotten around to using it myself, but it sounds like good stuff.
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Sean Bradley said:
:evil: on Premium... :)

well, it's just going to be the best way to keep this site progressing, and to offer the best information and tutorials. is the best site for Halo armor making on the internet, this will just kick it up a notch for the people who are more serious about it.

More options is ALWAYS better. :Steve:

but... You and like 4 other people are serious about it. And that's only because you know what you're doing. Me and a lot of others don't. What good are tutorials for someone who has already accomplished the subject?
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and what good is us showing you guys how to do it, me paying for hosting fees, and putting the time and effort into it?

You contribute, and we contribute. The whole site won't be premium, just the premium content that takes a long time to make. Like detailed tutorials.
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