hey 405th

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i was wondering if any one know the ware abouts to the low def test models for the odst cause im lookng for them to start my odst suit i got my mark 6 done and now im making a odst so if anyone can point me to them i would love it very much and to all ppl working on stuff right now GREAT WORK TO EVERY ONES WORK ITS GOING VERY WELL AND THNX FOR JOINING THE 405TH
NO i just was wanting to know if there are any low def models that i can use for scaling so that way i dont build the HD model or other then mess up and have to do it cause i always seem to mess up when i scale something
Most ODST armor pieces can be scaled in a straightforward manner if you follow the tutorial, which is probably why they don't come come with tester models. The only one that I know that has an LD tester is Kirrou's ODST HD gauntlet. The file itself comes with a scaling instruction.
everyone has scaling problems. thats what makes pepakura so hard. ive pepped every piece of my noble six build at least twice. Just try over and over.
yah i had to redo the mark 6 armor alot and i hate blowing throw card stock im on a really low on cash well im broke and i hate doing it over and over
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