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Welcome to the 405th Chance.

Before you post a new thread, you should check out the Orientation Video in the noob forums:

Not to be the guy to enforce the rules, considering I'm not a veteran member here, but I've been around long enough to know that these kind of threads posted by new guys are frowned upon by all other members.

I'm just gonna say now that you should try to hang around in the noob forum, check out all of the stickies, post in the Introduce yourself thread, and start building. Or if your not into building, the general information section is a good place to talk about everything non armor related. Just don't post threads just saying "Hey whats up."

If you have a question about anything, don't post a new thread about the question. Use the search button, its very helpful. Check out all of the stickies in the noob forum, and make sure you read the rules of the forums.

Stickes: http://www.405th.com/forumdisplay.php/21-Noob-Forum

Thats all I have to say. Welcome to the 405th. Be polite, be respectful, be mature, and we'll always have your back.

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