how do you make prop bullets

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New Member
I really want to make some prop bullets, to go with my marine costume. I dont mind what they are made out of or price as long as the are detailed. i have already tried the internet but with no luck:angry.

and thanks anyway.
I either buy my brass or use my own, and shape the bullet to the dimensions that I want and hot glue it into the brass. Works good so far.
I'm sure you could even go to a gun range and see if you could have some of the used shells. I know the one by me just recyles them, I went and they gave me a couple hand fulls for $5.
Dude, depending on how dedicated you are, how much will be visible, and how much wear and tear, just get some crayons and paint 'em. lol. OR, (my more personal favorite :p) Go to your friendly local surplus store, and see what you can dig up there. That's where I get my grenades.
Leekeegan has built some out of wood, but i honestly have to earthly idea how. I think ghetto molding real ammo with silicone caulk and make solid plaster casts is your best bet. Check. your state laws for buying ammo. (18 to buy rifle ammo in Georgia) unless you have ammo around the house
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