I Officially Hate My Xbox 360

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Well-Known Member
I got ODST the other day, actually, a little while back. After enjoying this game for a week or two, I noticed that my 360 was being retarded. It decided to give me the open tray error, on my brand new disk. I raged, then I cried. I then noticed that it is scratching my disk. I am excessively mad at this point as it wont play at all, but my multiplayer disk will play with no problem whatsoever. I am resorting to throwing my xbox out the window if someone doesnt come up with a solution quickly for this. This is probably the stupidest error there is, and it is certainly not my favorite.

If you have any solutions that dont include taking my 360 apart I would gladly like to hear them.
My Xbox is basically a makeshift console. I've had to replace nearly every part of it, and I keep the white casing off. It's always taken apart, so I can do instant repairs :). As for your case, I think the only way to fix it is to take your Xbox apart and order a new disc drive and replace it.
you could buy the arcade bundle? dont worry about the hard drive just take it out and put it in the arcade version , you get all your old data PLUS a new console ;) there pretty cheap .either that or just get a used one (i still wouldnt resort to used tech)
I've actually had decent results from getting a used console from GameStop and some seller on eBay called geekdeal. If you do get a used or a refurbished console from GameStop, make sure they test it in front of you! Geekdeal sold me a 360 at a discounted price after I had sent my broken one in for salvage.
GiR3892 said:
you could buy the arcade bundle? dont worry about the hard drive just take it out and put it in the arcade version , you get all your old data PLUS a new console ;) there pretty cheap .either that or just get a used one (i still wouldnt resort to used tech)

Got my Jasper Arcade bundle Xbox for $160 on ebay in runs quite and alot cooler than earlier models
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ForsakEnd said:
Got my Jasper Arcade bundle Xbox for $160 on ebay in runs quite and alot cooler than earlier models

I got a Spartan green 360 from ebay for $150. BWAHAHAHA. :p
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Mines been working for 3 years straight and now finally its gotten the RRoD so now we're sending it in for a new one. Then later on we're getting a 120gb HD.

Anyways that sucks about it being a disc scratcher. Try cleaning the inside of the disc tray area maybe it will do something. Also if the scratches aren't fatal ones try toothpaste to get them off.
RadioaciveMicrobe said:
My 360 is kind of the same. I freezes almost at the end of Half-life 2. I don't know what's wrong either, I just rage.

LOL got a problem like that whenever i play Too Human and I die I get a Disc Read error. I've gone through 2 xbox and on my 3rd 360 with all the hardware problems its till my favorite system over my ps3 and wii.
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well if your gettuing scratches... well is it standing up or laying down.. standing up will give any game scratches. now as for the not reading thing. me and the missis both get that issue at times when it doesnt read odst. my thinking is the game was not burned properly. 2 consoles new disk from store shouldnt do that but it does. well restart the console and try again or put in it and out of your tray till i works. same thing happens with my gta...

and for red ring get an intercooler and do not enclose your xbox in small areas where the console cannot get good ventalation. leave the console in the open and dont put anything on top of it.
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